This plugin is the main plugin I use on my server. It covers all the basic plugins a server would have. It takes care of anti-grief, chat, chat channels, auto messages, auto restarts, auto ranks, and even more!
So, what is this plugin? Well, this plugin is an intense plugin made to bundle all the major server plugins down into one large package. I understand that some plugins are just too good to replace, so every feature this plugin offers can be disabled without risk of messing up your other plugins. The best part about this plugin is every feature is multi-world compatible! This means you can run each map as if it were its own server! And because its all simplified into a single plugin, this leaves your server plenty more room for the fun plugins you can't live without.
I plan to continue to add to this plugin as requested, until it gets to the point were you won't need another mandatory plugin. Please post feature requests here. I love 'em.
This plugin has a ton of features, too many to list on just this page. For info on the features, click one of these links:
- Anti-Grief System (Page not yet finished)
- Chat System (Page not yet finished)
- Auto Messages & Restarts (Page not yet finished)
- Player Ranks (Page not yet finished)
- Pvp Setup (Page not yet finished)
- Item Tools (Page not yet finished)
- Plot - The basic /plot command. It handles all the stuff when dealing with anti-greif plots. It has several sub commands. For more information, see this page "Anti-Grief System"
- buy - "Lets you buy the plot you are currently standing in.
- leave - Sets the plot you are currently standing in back to unowned.
- add [player] - Gives another player permission to build in the plot you are currently standing in.
- remove [player] - Stops a player from having build permission in the plot you are currently standing in.
- rentable - Lets make the plot your standing in rentable. This means other players can rent this plot.
- unrentable - Lets the plot your standing in stop being rentable.
- rent - Lets you rent the plot you are currently standing in.
- unrent - Lets you stop renting the plot that your standing in.
- kick - Lets you kick out anyone renting the plot that your standing in.
- info - Gives you information on the plot that you are standing in.
- tax - Lets you tax your plots that other players are renting.
- autobuy - Lets you automatically buy plots as you walk.
- Pvp - Allows the user to toggle pvp on or off.
- Shout - Shouts a message.
- Whisper - Whispers a message.
- Msg - Sends a message to another player.
- Me - Sends an action message.
- Autobuy - The short command for /plot autobuy.
- Rank - Displays info on your current rank and playtime.
- whc.cmd.plot.buy = Allows the player to use the "/plot buy" command.
- whc.cmd.plot.leave = Allows the player to use the "/plot leave" command.
- whc.cmd.plot.add = Allows the player to use the "/plot add" command.
- whc.cmd.plot.remove = Allows the player to use the "/plot remove" command.
- whc.cmd.plot.rentable = Allows the player to use the "/plot rentable" command.
- whc.cmd.plot.unrentable = Allows the player to use the "/plot unrentable" command.
- whc.cmd.plot.rent = Allows the player to use the "/plot rent" command.
- whc.cmd.plot.unrent = Allows the player to use the "/plot unrent" command.
- whc.cmd.plot.kick = Allows the player to use the "/plot kick" command.
- whc.cmd.plot.info = Allows the player to use the "/plot info" command.
- whc.cmd.plot.tax = Allows the player to use the "/plot tax" command.
- whc.cmd.pvp = Allows the player to use the "/pvp" command.
- whc.cmd.autobuy = Allows the player to use the "/autobuy" command.
- whc.cmd.shout = Allows the player to use the "/shout" command.
- whc.cmd.whisper = Allows the player to use the "/whisper" command.
- whc.cmd.msg = Allows the player to use the "/msg" command.
- whc.cmd.me = Allows the player to use the "/me" command.
- whc.cmd.starterkit = Allowed the player to use the "/starterkit" command.
- whc.action.map = Allows players to use maps to view text maps.
- whc.action.eyeofender = Allows players to use eye of enders to choose chat channels.
- whc.action.paper = Allows players to use paper to view info on plots.
The permissions for the chat system are more complicated, so please visit this link for more information on chat permissions. "Chat System"
The config is quite large, and does take some time to see up. I plan on making an automatic config setup soon (In-game setup I mean) But for right now, please use this link to learn how to set up the config. "Config Setup"