WGPFix 2.2.0


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  • Uploaded
    Jan 29, 2014
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    29.91 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.7.4


WGPFix 2.2.0 [1.7.2]

  • Monitor dispense-events, e.g. for dispensers and droppers, bound to the monitor-fromto flag.

Compiled with Bukkit (

This version might well work with older builds of CraftBukkit, subject to trial and error!

Disallow pistons from retracting or extending if they cover blocks belonging to regions with differing owners or members.

The code is used on my own server, and i am optimistic about it, yet it is a quick and hot fix after all, so:
No warranty for breaking mechanisms, which will happen if they cover several regions or free ground with differing owners. Yet no warranty for this to work out at all. Furthermore no warranty for causing performance issues on huge big piston setups. In fact .... no warranty at all.

Disregarding the standard message above:
Extending to or contracting from free ground is possible, but the piston can not be on a free ground reaching into WorldGuard regions, even if they belong to no one.

Still it is possible to affect different sets of multiple overlapping regions, if the combined owners and members are all the same - this also is the case if you have a region without owners overlapping a region with the owners same with that the piston is placed on and all blocks the piston is affecting. If the overlapping region was intended to prevent access even from owners of overlapping regions then this would not provide protection. However this is more like a rare case, still server owners that use intricate and complicated region setups with regions that have no owners that still overlap other regions with owners, while the unowned regions should override the owned regions will have to take care or add some dummy owner group to the unowned regions to prevent any piston effects.(Owners and members are treated alike.)

* (WGPFix 1.2.2) We have seen difficulty with overlapping regions with the same owners, while a piston would affect shared locations and locations inside of only one of the two regions. This is unintended, if the owners and members match, if you should notice this, i would appreciate a notice!