Auto flags for region claim in WorldGuard.
Version 1.2.0 for WG 7.0.0
- enable: true - plugin enabeling
- lang: ru - plugin language(ru, en)
- commands: - commands only in owned region
- enable: false - is this function enabled
- list: - standart YAML list of commands for use only in owned region
- [- new_command]
- members: - standart YAML list of commands for use only in membered regions
- [- new_command]
- flags: - flags for auto set
- enable: false - is this function enabled
- new_flag: value
- flag-delay: 10 - time until flags will be added
- entity-protect: true - enable protection of vehicles in other regions and mobs from ambient damage
- entitis: - protection mobs from getting any damage excepts entity attacks
- - PIG
How Setup:
Copy .jar file in your plugins directory.
Restart server.
Open config and add at the end on new line flag: value as many times as needed.
Restart server.
====> DOWNLOAD Last version (1.2.0) <====
- use: deny
- heal-delay: 5
How use:
Enter in chat /region claim <your_region_name> or /rg claim <your_region_name>, wait 10 seconds and flags have been automaticuly setted. All added flags had been printed in chat.
Flag list:
passthrough Use allow to have this region treated as a region that doesn't check build permission (use this to make simple no-PVP, etc. zones).
pvp Allow or block PvP.
mob-damage Allow or block mob damage on players.
mob-spawning Allow or deny mobs spawning.
creeper-explosion Allow or block creeper damage to terrain and players.
enderman-grief Allow or prevent endermen from picking up or placing blocks.
enderdragon-block-damage Allow or prevent enderdragon damage to blocks.
ghast-fireball Allow or block fireballs damage to terrain and players
sleep Allow or block players from entering beds.
tnt Allow or block TNT.
lighter Allow or block flint and steel.
fire-spread Allow or block the spread of fire (requires high frequency flags to be on in configuration).
lava-fire Allow or block whether lava can start fires (requires high frequency flags to be on in configuration).
lightning Allow or block lightning striking at all in a region.
chest-access Allow or block chest access.
pistons Allow or block piston activation.
water-flow Allow or block flow of water. (requires high frequency flags to be on in configuration).
lava-flow Allow or block flow of lava. (requires high frequency flags to be on in configuration).
use Allow or block the ability to use doors, buttons, pressure plates, levers, etc.
vehicle-place Allow or block the ability to place vehicles.
vehicle-destroy Allow or block the ability to remove vehicles .
snow-fall Allow or block snow from forming in an area. Note that this will not block weather altogether, that can be done in the config.
snow-melt Allow or block snow from melting in an area.
ice-form Allow or block ice from forming in an area.
ice-melt Allow or block ice from melting in an area.
leaf-decay Allow or block leaves from decaying.
grass-growth Allow or block grass from spreading to dirt.
potion-splash Allow or block splash effect from potion.
invincible Sets a temporary godmode on the player. This will also disable /god-mode if set to deny, unless the player has the worldguard.god.override-regions permission.
entry Allow or deny players to enter an area.
exit Allow or deny players to leave an area.
notify-enter Sends a message to players with the worldguard.notify permission when a player enters a region.
notify-leave Sends a message to players with the worldguard.notify permission when a player leaves a region.
heal-delay Set the rate of healing in the region.
heal-amount Set the amount per heal time (see heal-delay).
heal-min-health Minimum health the heal flags will drop a player to.
heal-max-health Maximum health the heal flags will raise a player to.
feed-delay Set the rate of food regeneration.
feed-amount Set the amount per hunger regen time (see feed-delay) .
feed-min-hunger Minimum hunger the feed flags will drop a player to.
feed-max-hunger Maximum hunger the feed flags will raise a player to.
Version log:
1.2.0 [1.13] 18.11.18 15:59:44
- Now using WG 7.0
- Memory consuming was decreased
- Some new bugs have been added
- Migrated from Java 6 to Java 8
1.1 [1.12] 03.02.18 23:28:52
- Supports WorldGuard 6.2
- Removed apple antiduper (is it still actual?)
- Version will not be interest any more
d.xa [1.11.2] 23.04.17 23:11:40
- Some legacy code fixes
- Added commands avaliability for members of region
c.xc [1.11.2] 11.03.17 12:26:23
- Fixed some errors
c.xb [1.7.9] 05.02.15 00:49:49
- Some bugs fixed.
c.xa [1.7.9] 13.01.15 01:40:44
- Added entity protect.
- Moved on WorldGuard 6.
- New language file.
- Added delay settings.
a.z [1.3.1 R2.0] 15.09.12 22:05:43
- Add commands only in region.
- Fixed configuration.
0.z [1.2.5 R4.0] 10.07.12 10:53:51
- Add english.
- Bug fixed: work only with /region
0.x [1.2.5 R4.0] 06.07.12 15:24:17
- First relis.
- Bug: work only with /region
please update to 1.9-1.9.2
How can i set "-g nonmembers" flags?
Русский плагин :) да..привык писать на инглише :) было бы хорошо - если поддержка 1.7.5 была бы :)
Когда будет под 1.7.2 обновлено? А то нервирует сообщение [Error] WGFix enabled! @Ission @Lokivava
Все отлично работает:)
на 1.7.2 Spigot все ок, кто знает?
Это нормальное сообщение.
[Severe] WGFix enable
Даже не привычно писать на русском) Это нормальное сообщение при загрузки или это сообщение ошибки?
@Ission Dear friend :)
Hello my deer-friend.
Это мой шанс, Иссион, привет :)
This is Russia and Russian plugin :D
Hey, for some reason it's not letting me switch it to English. I set it to 'en' in the config but it just switches back to 'ru' whenever I start up the server. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!
(I understood the "десять секунд" part in the red message. I guess Rosetta Stone and watching all those Soviet submarine films are finally paying off... Добрый день, товарищ. XD)
2012-09-08 09:48:00 [WARNING] Task of 'WGFix' generated an exception java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.managers.RegionManager.getRegionExact(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/sk89q/worldguard/protection/regions/ProtectedRegion; at WorldGuard.Fix$runrun.run(Fix.java:82) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:126) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(MinecraftServer.java:510) at net.minecraft.server.DedicatedServer.q(DedicatedServer.java:212) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.p(MinecraftServer.java:474) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:406) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:539)
is it possible to add permissions to a region?
Nice! I like this, usually for my regions I have ones that I ALWAYS set now this is super easy. Thanks! Keep up the good work :D