Beware of the full moon!
Are you a capable video-maker? Werewolf needs an updated instruction video!
I am looking for someone interested in making the official tutorial video for the Werewolf plugin. Please contact me if interested.
Want to contribute? Werewolf is open source!
Check out the official repository on github
To become a Werewolf, you have to get bitten (attacked) by a wolf or Werewolf at night and contract the Werewolf infection. This infection will turn the player into a Werewolf every night, starting the next night, if the player is under a open sky. To prevent turning, the player can stay inside during night.
- When in wolf-form, character skin changes to a Werewolf skin (Only visible to other players)
- When in wolf-form, players will become identifiable only as "Werewolf" in the playerlist and chat (Adding a element of mystery)
- When in wolf-form, werewolves speak in a language which appears as growling noises to normal players.
- A Werewolf automatically turns into his Wolf-form during a full moon, when under a open sky.
- A Werewolf automatically turns into his Human-form at dawn.
- A Werewolf only eats meat!
- A Werewolf gains health from killing mobs (Hunting)
- A Werewolf does high unarmed damage
- A Werewolf moves faster
- A Werewolf jumps higher
- A Werewolf has night vision.
- A Werewolf cannot wield Armor while in Wolf-form, but has a high natural defense
- A Werewolf can growl with /growl
- A Werewolf can howl with /howl
- Vampires cannot be infected with the Werewolf infection
- When a Werewolf gets killed, the player re-spawns in human form.
- Werewolves are very vulnerable to silver weapons.
- Werewolves are flock creatures and live in clans
- Werewolves are the natural leaders of wild wolves
- The Werewolf infection can be cured by drinking the werewolf cure potion
The Werewolf Clans
There are 3 Werewolf clans, each with their own skin and ability.
A werewolf will spread the infection from his own clan.
Any other infection method will result in a random clan.
Clan Name | Appearance | Clan Skill |
The Silvermanes | Grey wolf | Speed 2, Damage 3 |
The Bloodmoons | Black wolf | Speed 2, Regeneration 3 |
The Witherfangs | Comic Wolf | Speed 4, Jump 4 |
A clan member can view the ranked clan member list with the /ww list command.
The three werewolf clans get points for hunting other creatures while in Werewolf form.
Slaying werewolves from another clan, and especially the another clan's alpha, earns bonus points for the clan.
Clan Alpha
The Clan alpha is the natural leader of the clan.
The Clan alpha is selected as the most "senior" of the werewolves in the clan, when the clan has lost its old Alpha.
Ways of losing the alpha are:
- The alpha werewolf was slain by another clan member
- The alpha werewolf has not transformed for some days and is therefore auto-cured (See the auto-cure setting)
- The alpha werewolf has cured himself by drinking the cure potion
Alpha abilities are:
- /howl ability has a stunning effect on all living creatures nearby
- Double amount of damage
- Half the amount of damage taken
Werewolf Maturity
As a werewolf, you gradually mature and gain more control over your condition depending on how many full moon transformations you have experienced:
Number of tranformations | Maturity |
3 | You no longer drop clothes and items when transforming |
5 | You can now transform at will with the /werewolf transform command |
10 | Gold items no longer causes extra damage on you |
Hunting werewolves
At any time, a bounty is being kept for the killing of a Werewolf.
Players can check the current bounty with /werewolf bounty and add to this bounty themselves by using /werewolf addbounty <amount>. A player can put himself into "werewolf hunting mode" by using /werewolf hunt. This helps him find the nearest werewolf simply using the compass. The player can disable "werewolf hunting mode" by using /werewolf hunt again.
The Werewolf bounty will be paid out to the first player to slay a Werewolf. Players can check the top 10 werewolf hunters with /werewolf top
NOTE: Werewolf hunting requires Vault to be installed.
Werewolf Infection Potions
A player can drink the Werewolf potion to infect himself with the Werewolf infection.
Note that drinking the infection potion must be done during a full moon!
Admins can use the /ww infectionpotion command to hand out infection potions to players
Curing werewolves
A Werewolf player can drink the Werewolf cure potion to cure himself from being a Werewolf.
Note that the player can only drink the cure while in HUMAN form. (Werewolf paws do not play well with bottles).
Admins can use the /ww curepotion command to hand out infection potions to players
Wolfbane Potion
A Werewolf hunter can choose to make use of the "Wolfbane" splash potion.
This potion is brewed from silver essence and is the nightmare of any Werewolf.
On hitting a werewolf, the potion has a 25% chance of un-transforming the werewolf for the duration of the night in addition to dealing poison damage.
Lore books
Finding it hard to get players to understand all the features and rules of this plugin?
No problem, just hand out (or get players to buy) werewolf lorebooks where players can read all about the werewolf lore.
Crafting potions, swords & books
Infection Potion
Cure Potion
Silver Sword
Lore Book
Signs for selling potions, swords & books
Admins or players with the correct permission nodes can place signs for selling Werewolf infection potions, Werewolf cure potions and Werewolf lore books.
Players can use these signs by simply right-clicking the sign to buy a potion or book.
NOTE: When using Vault, the selling prices from the config.yml is used. Without vault, all these signs will give away potions for free.
To use signs, first make sure signs are enabled in the config and place signs with the following lines:
Werewolf infection potion sign
- Werewolf
- Infection
Werewolf cure potion sign
- Werewolf
- Cure
Werewolf wolfbane potion sign
- Werewolf
- Wolfbane
Werewolf silver sword sign
- Werewolf
- Sword
Werewolf lore book sign
- Werewolf
- LoreBook
Werewolf trophies
Slaying a werewolf is quite an accomplishment.
After successfully slaying a werewolf with a any type of sword, the werewolf head is cut off and can be kept by the player as a trophy!
Werewolf currently supports:
Language | Author | Config setting |
English | DogOnFire | english |
German | RasCas | german |
French | lucaspart7 | french |
Chinese | Piggy Nightmare | chinese |
Polish | ShabyPederastian | polish |
Danish | DogOnFire | danish |
Portuguese | gabrieljamh | portuguese |
Spanish | David_204 | spanish |
Italian | Tecnarca | italian |
Korean | woojung3 | korean |
Simply set the "language" setting in the config.yml to any of these config settings (lower case) and the plugin will download the language file from my server at www.doggycraft.dk.
NOTE: Is there a language missing and are you are native speaker of it? Then please help by translating the language file and I will upload it for everyone to use!
Put the Werewolf.jar file in your /plugins folder and you are ready to go!
There is an additional way of infecting with the /werewolf infect <playername> to infect a specific player with the infection.
Using commands will place the Werewolf in a random clan.
NOTE: /ww can be used instead of /werewolf
Command | Description |
werewolf | Show the basic info |
werewolf transform | Transforms instantly into werewolf form |
werewolf untransform | Transforms back into human form |
werewolf clan | View your clan status |
werewolf list | Views the top 10 members in your clan |
werewolf home | Teleports to your clan home |
werewolf sethome | Set your clan home |
werewolf check <playername> | Checks whether a player is a Werewolf |
werewolf bounty <playername> | Checks current bounty for slaying a Werewolf |
werewolf addbounty <amount> | Adds to the Werewolf bounty |
werewolf hunt | Toggles Werewolf hunt mode |
werewolf top | Views the top 10 Werewolf hunters |
werewolf infect | Infects yourself with the Werewolf infection |
werewolf infect <playername> | Infects a player with the Werewolf infection |
werewolf toggle | Toggles Werewolf infection for yourself |
werewolf toggle <playername> | Toggles Werewolf infection for a player |
werewolf infectionpotion | Spawns 1 Werewolf infection potion |
werewolf curepotion | Spawns 1 Werewolf cure potion |
werewolf wolfbane | Spawns 1 wolfbane potion |
werewolf silversword | Spawns 1 Silver Sword |
werewolf lorebook | Spawns 1 Werewolf Lore Book |
werewolf reload | Reloads configuration from disk |
Permission Nodes
- werewolf.* - Player can do everything below
- werewolf.growl - Player can growl when in Werewolf form
- werewolf.howl - Player can howl when in Werewolf form
- werewolf.infect - Player can infect a player with the Werewolf infection
- werewolf.infectself - Player can infect himself with the Werewolf infection
- werewolf.transform - Player can use the transform command
- werewolf.untransform - Player can use the untransform command
- werewolf.clan - Player can check his clan status
- werewolf.list - Player can view the top 10 members within his clan
- werewolf.togglewerewolf - Player can toggle Werewolf status for others
- werewolf.togglewerewolfself - Player can toggle Werewolf status for themselves
- werewolf.infectother - Player can infect others with the Werewolf infection by biting (attacking) them
- werewolf.becomeinfected - Player can become infected with the Werewolf infection
- werewolf.bounty - Player can view the current Werewolf bounty
- werewolf.addbounty - Player add to the current Werewolf bounty
- werewolf.top - Player can view the top 10 Werewolf hunters
- werewolf.hunt - Player toggle Werewolf hunting mode for himself
- werewolf.listener - Player can understand the Werewolf language
- werewolf.seer - Player can see a players original skin for a Werewolf player
- werewolf.check - Player can check whether a player is infected with the Werewolf infection
- werewolf.potion.infection.drink - Player can drink a Werewolf infection potion
- werewolf.potion.cure.drink - Player can drink a Werewolf cure potion
- werewolf.potion.infection.create - Player can create a Werewolf infection potion with a command
- werewolf.potion.cure.create - Player can create a Werewolf cure potion with a command
- werewolf.potion.wolfbane.create - Player can create a Werewolf wolfbane potion with a command
- werewolf.silversword.create - Player can create a Werewolf silversword with a command
- werewolf.lorebook.create - Player can create a Werewolf lorebook with a command
- werewolf.sign.infection.place - Player can place a sign selling infection potions
- werewolf.sign.cure.place - Player can place a sign selling cure potions
- werewolf.sign.wolfbane.place - Player can place a sign selling wolfbane potions
- werewolf.sign.silversword.place - Player can place a sign selling silver swords
- werewolf.sign.lorebook.place - Player can place a sign selling lore books
- werewolf.sign.infection.use - Player can use a sign selling infection potions
- werewolf.sign.cure.use - Player can use a sign selling cure potions
- werewolf.sign.wolfbane.use - Player can use a sign selling wolf bane potions
- werewolf.sign.silversword.use - Player can use a sign selling silver swords
- werewolf.sign.lorebook.use - Player can use a sign selling lore books
- werewolf.home - Player can teleport to their clan home
- werewolf.sethome - Player can set their clan home (if he is alpha of the clan)
- werewolf.updates - Player will see update notifications
Setting | Description | Default Value |
Werewolf.HandDamage | The multiplier for unarmed Werewolf damage | 8 |
Werewolf.ItemDamage | The multiplier for itembased Werewolf damage | 3 |
Werewolf.ArmorMultiplier | The amount of damage that a Werewolf takes compared to a normal player | 0.8 |
Infection.WerewolfBiteRisk | The risk of getting the Werewolf infection pr. Werewolf attack | 0.05 |
Infection.WildWolfBiteRisk | The risk of getting the Werewolf infection pr. Wild wolf attack | 0.75 |
Infection.CureChance | The change of being cured when drinking the Werewolf cure potion | 1.00 |
Infection.AutoCureDays | Number of real days without transformation, after which a player will be auto-cured. Generally used to purge inactive players from the werewolf files. Set this to 0 to disable. | 14 |
Night.Start | Time of day when Werewolves will start turning into Werewolf form | 13000 |
Night.End | Time of day when Werewolves will start turning into human form | 23000 |
WerewolfGroup.Enable | When a player transform into a Werewolf, put the player into a permission group | false |
WerewolfGroup.Name | When a player transform into a Werewolf, put the player into this permission group. Player will be put back into his original permission group when returning to human form. | "Werewolf" |
AllowedWorlds | List of names of worlds in which werewolves can exist | <Name of the servers main world> |
Settings.DisplayUpdateNotifications | Show notifications about updates to Werewolf | true |
Settings.MetricsOptOut | Do not send metrics to mcstats.org | false |
Settings.AutoBounty | Server will automatically add to the Werewolf bounty | false |
Settings.AutoBountyMaximum | Server will automatically add to the Werewolf bounty until this limit | 1000 |
Settings.ServerName | Name of the server | "Your Server" |
Settings.Language | Language for this plugin | "english" |
Settings.DropArmorOnTransform | Player will drop all worn armor items to the ground when transforming | true |
Settings.OnlyTransformDuringFullMoon | If false, players will transform every night instead of only during a fullmoon | true |
Settings.WolfChat | Werewolves will chat in the Werewolf language | true |
Settings.CureWerewolfWhenSlain | Werewolves are cured when slain | false |
Trophies.Enabled | Slaying a werewolf with a sword will drop the head of the werewolf | false |
Maturity.NoDropItems | Number of transforms for not dropping clothes on transform | 4 |
Maturity.FullMoonImmunity | Number of transforms for immunity to full moons | 6 |
Maturity.ControlledTransformation | Number of transforms for controlled transformation | 8 |
Maturity.GoldImmunity | Number of transforms for gold immunity | 10 |
Clans.Enabled | Whether werewolf clans are enabled | true |
Signs.Enabled | Whether werwolf potion signs are enabled | false |
Signs.InfectionPrice | The price for buying a infection potion using a sign (when Vault is installed) | 1000 |
Signs.CurePrice | The price for buying a cure potion using a sign (when Vault is installed) | 500 |
Signs.BookPrice | The price for buying a lore book using a sign (when Vault is installed) | 100 |
Chat.Prefix | The prefix used for werewolves in the chat | <Werewolf>: |
Items.SilverSwordMultiplier | The multiplier for silver sword damage | 2.0 |
Items.WolfbaneUntransformChance | The chance in percentage for untransforming a werewolf | 25 |
Items.CraftableSilverSword | Can silver swords be crafted? | true |
Items.CraftableLoreBookEnabled | Can lore books be crafted? | true |
Items.CraftableInfectionPotionEnabled | Can infection potions be crafted? | true |
Items.CraftableCurePotionEnabled | Can cure potions be crafted? | true |
Items.CraftableWolfbanePotionEnabled | Can wolfbane potions be crafted? | true |
Upcoming features
- Scoreboards for showing alpha werewolves
- Herochat integration
- Config setting for rewarding items as bounty instead of money
- Config setting for bounty payouts
- More chat formatting in config
- Werewolf names
- Werewolf gender
- Some way of tracking down players using smell?
This plugin contacts curse.com and checks for newer versions by using the Curse ServerMOD API.
Opting out of this service can be done by editing config.yml and changing DisplayUpdateNotifications to false.
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:
A unique identifier
The server's version of Java
Whether the server is in offline or online mode
The plugin's version
The server's version
The OS version/name and architecture
The core count for the CPU
The number of players online
The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing config.yml and changing MetricsOptOut to true.
The Werewolf Changelog is here
Do you want to support this Plugin?
Buy the developer a beer! Beer makes coding faster
Skins still have backwards heads, and when ops use /ww toggle it screws up the werewolf progression as well as speeding up time with any time changing cmd will also cause players to not progress. please fix would be really appreciated^^
Could you possible make a vampire plugin as well or just add vampires to this plugin as a werewolf crush's a vampire with a certain other plugin. thank you
I'm running this on my server, I wanted to become a werewolf so I decided to do /ww infectionpotion, received the potion... But its name was kind of.. Weird? "InfectionPotionTitle MISSING" so I decided to craft one and got the same result. Drank one and get this message in console:
[16:46:17 INFO]: [Werewolf v0.7.9] No language strings found for InfectionPotionTitle!
Any idea what's causing this?
Having an issue, loaded it on, have vault no problems with the plug in. I restart the server and now it's not working at all? I'm not sure what the issue is. I suppose I could roll back my server to 1.8.3 that plug in still is valid but for some reason the 1.8.8 stopped working. I would like to keep my server as up to date as possible though.
@DoggyOnFire: you have done a really good plugin, but I'm wondering... Can you maybe add Lib's Disguises or disguisecraft support? You know that lib's Disguises allowes players to see himself/herself transformed too, not only other players can see. However if you do I will donate :)
+1 ;)
tnks for UPDATE!!! :D
Thanks Doggy!! Works great! Love u! hehe - running spigot 1.8.8
This plugin not work on my 1.8.8 Spigit server :(
I hear you :)
Version 0.7.9 with support for 1.8.8 has just been uploaded.
Can you download it on a spigot server, I am using spigot but I can not get it to work.
I am willing to pass on a 1.8.8 update if you can have it ready for 1.9 when it ships! :P
Doggy! Doggy! Doggy! 1.8.8
Please update to 1.8.8! I'm begging you haha.
Doggy Sighting !!!!!
Upgrade to 1.8.8 pls!
can you upgrade to 1.8.8?
Is this gonna be updated too 1.8.8 soon? I would be thankful!