Commands and Permissions

WelcomeBookRecoded v1.0

The complete plugin for all things Books!

In the column 'Default,' OP means all opped players get the permission, TRUE means everyone gets the permission, and FALSE means no one gets the permission, by default.

Permission Node
wbr.core Inherits all command permissions N/A
wbr.list Access to /wbr list - View all saved books OP
wbr.export Access to /wbr export - Save books OP
wbr.get Access to /wbr get - Get saved books OP
wbr.delete Access to /wbr delete - Delete saved books OP
wbr.preview Access to /wbr preview - Preview saved books OP
wbr.give Access to /wbr give - Give saved books OP
wbr.settitle Access to /wbr settitle - Change books' titles OP
wbr.setauthor Access to /wbr setauthor - Change books' authors OP
wbr.undo Access to /wbr undo - Return a written book back into a book and quill OP
wbr.reload Access to /wbr reload - Reload the settings.yml file OP
wbr.import Access to /wbr import - Import a WelcomeBook config.yml file OP Access to /gb - Get all books from the GB list in the settings file TRUE Inherits all shop permissions N/A
wbr.makeshop.normal Allowed to create normal shops TRUE
wbr.makeshop.normal.nofee Bypass the normal shop creation fee FALSE
wbr.makeshop.infinite Allowed to create infinite shops OP
wbr.useshop.normal Allowed to use normal shops TRUE
wbr.useshop.infinite Allowed to use infinite shops TRUE
wbr.breakshop Allowed to use break shops OP