Welcome Message is a simple yet useful plugin that displays a welcome message that you define, (the default is [Server] Welcome to the server @p!), to a player when they join your server. the reason why I made this plugin even though there are others out there is I wanted the welcome message but without all of the other stuff that came with it. I hope you enjoy.
Like my plugins? Follow me on twitter @krooked590 for random tweets about nothing.
Customizable message
Customizable sender
Edit colors of message and/or sender
Ability to turn sender off if not wanted
Easy command system for changing the settings
I have tested this plugin on every recommended version of bukkit
Setting up
To set up the config file, place the .jar in your plugins folder. Your all set.
[Optional but recommended] After you start the server stop it, then make any changes to the config.yml to get it set up to your liking.
/wm [message] new message
/wm [sender-use] true|false
/wm [message-color] color in caps exp: DARK_PURPLE
/wm [sender-name] new name
/wm [sender-color] color in caps exp: AQUA
/wm [display] displays the welcome message
/wm [delay] delay amount 0-10
/wm [color] displays a list of available colors
/wm [tip-message] new message
/wm [tip-sender-use] true|false
/wm [tip-message-color] color in caps exp: DARK_PURPLE
/wm [tip-sender-name] new name
/wm [tip-sender-color] color in caps exp: AQUA
/wm [tip-display] displays the welcome message
/wm [tip-delay] delay amount 0-10
/wm [use-tip] true|false
/wm [tip-all] true|false
/wm [message-all] true|false
Known Bugs:
Hopefully nothing :)
Version History:
v1.0 - Initial release
v1.1 - Added the ability to change settings through commands
v1.1.1 - added new command /wm color. This will display a list of available colors in the right color
v1.2 - added a Tip of the day. you can now choose if you want the welcome message to only show to players who have never been on your server before or both, you can enable a tip that will play to new players or past players please look at the commands thing above this to see what u can do also added a time delay 0-10 seconds. if you just want a standard welcome message without having to do anything just put the .jar in the plugins folder and that's it. nothing else will change if you don't want to mess with any settings. still just as simple and just as useful!
v1.2-1 - added a line of code to stop player names from being added to the config if things were false, and fixed the time delay issue.
v1.2.2 - Updated for CraftBukkit 1.2.3.
v1.2.3 - Updated for CraftBukkit 1.2.5 ; now able to edit configuration file while server is running. Make your changes, then use the /reload command to see them.
v1.2.4 - Updated for CraftBukkit 1.5.1-R0.2; you no longer need to do any type of reloading to see any changes made to any of the config settings. it will reload when needed. Also added the ability to insert a players name by adding a @p in any message. The past players list is no longer contained in the config.yml anymore. after installing this update it will create a new file called past_players.yml.
v1.2.5 - Updated for CraftBukkit 1.5.2-R0.1; Fixed and NPE when loading the pastplayers.yml also added Metrics support. If you would like to opt-out from metric just navigate to PluginMetrics --> config.yml and set the opt-out value to true.
this is so old and the creator isnt on anymore, maybe someone can help me. im running into the error message "Could not load 'plugins/WelcomeMessage_1.2.5.jar' in folder 'plugins': uses the space-character (0x20) in its name" any tips on how to fix it?
I am new at this. I want to have users of a particular world ( or of any world supported by the server) read a message when they log in. I installed the "Welcome Message" plugin on my server. I have "operator" status in the worlds on my Bukkit server.
I see the documentation above, but don't know how to use it. Typing /wm while inside a MC world does not work. Logging into the Bukkit admin site and typing /wm commands on console reached there does not work. What am I missing? Where are those commands used?
Hey, I just got your plugin but I've been having some problems with it. I tried using the in-game commands but they didn't work. I dunno if I'm just not typing them right or something (totally possible because I'm a little bit of a noob when it comes to some of these things); and I've tried editing it in the config file but when I reload the server, it says there is some error with the way I've typed it in and it goes back to the default 'welcome to the server'. If you could help, that'd be appreciated! Thanks!
No problem, I've got a plugin called BetterAlias that lets me set aliases that require permissions. Setting an aliases for /wm that requires a permissions fixes this temporarily for me. Of course, it's best if you add the actual permissions nodes yourself, but take all the time you need to do it. I'm a lazy person too. :P
that is something that i have wanted to do for along time now but to be honest i was just extremely lazy. I will be doing an update sometime in the near future but i have no idea when that will be.
Love the plugin. All I needed was a message sent to the player on login and this plugin did just that.
Can you add permissions for using the commands? I don't want for anyone other than myself and Operators (it's a permissions rank, not Op status) to be able to use the commands that change the message. Maybe have welcomemessage.change (or whatever you want) allow editing the message, its color and whether it's displayed or not, and welcomemessage.display (or whatever you want) to allow for the display commands.
It's an awesome plugin as is, but I'm sure it would be a good idea to only let some players customise the message. If it helps, I'm using Privileges, which uses SuperPerms (and hooks into vault). it shouldn't matter too much which permissions plugin/system I use, but, since I don't know anything about how plugins are made and how they work, I could be wrong.
How about instead of being a total douche you just explain what the issue is so I can attempt to help you with the problem. Or I guess we could try your way of just saying the software sucks but honestly that won't help you much.
There are a couple of ways to do this. first, you can change the colour of either the sender text or the message text by opening the config file and simply changing the colour. second, you can use the in game commands such as, /wm [sender-color] color in caps exp: AQUA or /wm [message-color] color in caps exp: DARK_PURPLE. hope that helps.
p.s. also if you are unsure of what the colours names are or how they look in game you can also use the /wm [color] displays a list of available colors in the correct colour.
hey, i just submitted the new version with the fix. For the time being delete the WM folder and have the plugin generate a new one. While the server is still running, change the value of Message All to false; log into the server so it adds your name to the list, and everything will start to work as normal. the reason people were getting an error was when I generated the PastPlayers.yml i forgot to save it after it was created. so it makes an empty file. Then when you start your server again the plugin tries to populate the pastplayers structure but nothing is there resulting in this error.
this is so old and the creator isnt on anymore, maybe someone can help me. im running into the error message "Could not load 'plugins/WelcomeMessage_1.2.5.jar' in folder 'plugins': uses the space-character (0x20) in its name" any tips on how to fix it?
I am new at this. I want to have users of a particular world ( or of any world supported by the server) read a message when they log in. I installed the "Welcome Message" plugin on my server. I have "operator" status in the worlds on my Bukkit server.
I see the documentation above, but don't know how to use it. Typing /wm while inside a MC world does not work. Logging into the Bukkit admin site and typing /wm commands on console reached there does not work. What am I missing? Where are those commands used?
Is there any way to have multiple tips of the day? Or is it limited to just one?
That's awesome. I'm glad to hear tat you were able to solve the issue out.
Nevermind! I've found the problem. Awesome plugin by the way! Its going to be really nice for my server!
Hey, I just got your plugin but I've been having some problems with it. I tried using the in-game commands but they didn't work. I dunno if I'm just not typing them right or something (totally possible because I'm a little bit of a noob when it comes to some of these things); and I've tried editing it in the config file but when I reload the server, it says there is some error with the way I've typed it in and it goes back to the default 'welcome to the server'. If you could help, that'd be appreciated! Thanks!
No problem, I've got a plugin called BetterAlias that lets me set aliases that require permissions. Setting an aliases for /wm that requires a permissions fixes this temporarily for me. Of course, it's best if you add the actual permissions nodes yourself, but take all the time you need to do it. I'm a lazy person too. :P
that is something that i have wanted to do for along time now but to be honest i was just extremely lazy. I will be doing an update sometime in the near future but i have no idea when that will be.
This is working with the new beta build 1.6.2
Love the plugin. All I needed was a message sent to the player on login and this plugin did just that.
Can you add permissions for using the commands? I don't want for anyone other than myself and Operators (it's a permissions rank, not Op status) to be able to use the commands that change the message. Maybe have welcomemessage.change (or whatever you want) allow editing the message, its color and whether it's displayed or not, and welcomemessage.display (or whatever you want) to allow for the display commands.
It's an awesome plugin as is, but I'm sure it would be a good idea to only let some players customise the message. If it helps, I'm using Privileges, which uses SuperPerms (and hooks into vault). it shouldn't matter too much which permissions plugin/system I use, but, since I don't know anything about how plugins are made and how they work, I could be wrong.
Thanks, Anomitee.
this works with the latest craftbukkit release 1.5.2-R1.0
Awesome glad to hear that it is working out for you. Also remember that if you have a question on something just ask and I will try my best to help.
I have no idea what you are talking about. I installed this and it works 100% perfect! Great plugin!!
How about instead of being a total douche you just explain what the issue is so I can attempt to help you with the problem. Or I guess we could try your way of just saying the software sucks but honestly that won't help you much.
Bullshit. Cannot customize the message, the config.yml is just a mess. Doesn't work properly or the way it should.
There are a couple of ways to do this. first, you can change the colour of either the sender text or the message text by opening the config file and simply changing the colour. second, you can use the in game commands such as, /wm [sender-color] color in caps exp: AQUA or /wm [message-color] color in caps exp: DARK_PURPLE. hope that helps.
p.s. also if you are unsure of what the colours names are or how they look in game you can also use the /wm [color] displays a list of available colors in the correct colour.
How i can change the color of the text?
@Krooked590 Thank You so much
hey, i just submitted the new version with the fix. For the time being delete the WM folder and have the plugin generate a new one. While the server is still running, change the value of Message All to false; log into the server so it adds your name to the list, and everything will start to work as normal. the reason people were getting an error was when I generated the PastPlayers.yml i forgot to save it after it was created. so it makes an empty file. Then when you start your server again the plugin tries to populate the pastplayers structure but nothing is there resulting in this error.
ty. I know the problem and am currently working on a fix. I should have one in less than an hour,