


The Weed plugin allows you to smoke weed in minecraft. It adds four new kinds of weed you can smoke. To smoke just throw the weed into fire :D But there's also another way to smoke: You just need flint and steel in your inventory. Then right click with the weed in your hand, done!

Sure, you can make your own weed if you want. All is configurable in the config. :)

Have fun!

Weed Reloaded

There's also a newer, better and much more realistic version of WeedPlugin. Check it out at http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/weed-reloaded-by-bubbleguj/.

How to craft

All kinds of weed are crafted like this. The LONG_GRASS is always included in the recipies! The other item is configurable and can be found in the config!

Four kinds of weed are default. Silverhaze, Lemonhaze, Afghan Hash and Northern Lights. In the config stands how to craft them! ;)


As you can see, the properties and strongness is showen. To smoke the weed, throw it into fire! There'll be some smoke and you'll get high :D

IMPORTANT: There's a 0.5% chance that you'll die after smoking weed!

(but this can be disabled in the config)

Commands and permissions

The permission for smoking weed is always: weed.WEEDNAME

The weedname can be found in the config. It's not the displayed item name!

There's one command /weedreload which just reloads the config. Permission: weed.reload


Here's a review of the configuration file:

#  _    _               _     ______ _             _          ______      _______ 
# | |  | |             | |    | ___ \ |           (_)        / ___  \    (  __   )
# | |  | | ___  ___  __| |____| |_/ / |_   _  __ _ _ _ __    \/   \  \   | (  )  |
# | |/\| |/ _ \/ _ \/ _` |____|  __/| | | | |/ _` | | '_ \      ___) /   | | /   |
# \  /\  /  __/  __/ (_| |    | |   | | |_| | (_| | | | | |    (___ (    | (/ /) |
#  \/  \/ \___|\___|\__,_|    \_|   |_|\__,_|\__, |_|_| |_|        ) \   |   / | |
#                                             __/ |          /\___/  / _ |  (__) |
#                                            |___/           \______/ (_)(_______)
# Weed plugin by bubbleguj
# Copyright 2013 - WeedPlugin
# Don't steal any of my code
# And, have fun :D
# Start of the Configuration...


  # Should there be a 1% chance to die when smoking weed?
  DeathChance: true

  # The inofficial name of the weed. Write all with small letters and with no spaces!
  # Also this name will be the permission node, like weed.northernlights
    # This is the name of the weed, which will be displayed, when holding it in your hand
    Name: Silverhaze
    # This is the ID of the item with which the weed should be craftable. ALWAYS: long_grass + your_item
    # To use subid's, type for example: 351,3
    CraftItem: 351,15
    # This will be displayed as description while holding the weed in your hand
    Description: Weightlessness, Nervousness
    # This strenght will be displayed under the description. Please use one of the following words: Weak, Medium, Strong
    Strenght: Medium
    # Here you can add Effects. Use this list to write the effects right: http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html
    # The first number is the strength of the effect. This can be found here: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Potions
    # For example, the effect SLOW has the following strengths: SLOW (1:30 min) , SLOW I (4:00 min) and SLOW II (reverted, 1:30 min)
    # The second number is the time in seconds, after which the effect should start. With this option you can start an effect after an configurable time
    # So the effects can be started postponed!
    # The third number is the time in seconds, how long the effect should hold on.
     # To add more effects just follow this pattern:
     # For example:
     # - BLINDNESS, 2, 20, 30
     # This would add the effect blindness for 30 sec. after 20 seconds with the strenght of 2
     # Go on! ;)
     - JUMP, 2, 10, 20
     - NIGHT_VISION, 0, 0, 30
     - CONFUSION, 1, 5, 5

# Some other drugs :D
    Name: Lemonhaze
    CraftItem: 351,10
    Description: Fast, Bewildering
    Strenght: Strong
     - NIGHT_VISION, 0, 0, 10
     - SPEED, 2, 0, 60
     - CONFUSION, 2, 20, 10
     - DAMAGE_RESISTANCE, 0, 10, 5

    Name: Northern Lights
    CraftItem: 351,11
    Description: Uplifting, Appetizing
    Strenght: Medium
     - NIGHT_VISION, 0, 0, 10
     - SPEED, 2, 0, 25
     - HEAL, 1, 5, 7
     - HUNGER, 2, 20, 10
     - CONFUSION, 0, 25, 5
     - POISON, 1, 25, 5

    Name: Afghan Hash
    CraftItem: 351
    Description: Relaxing, Analgetic
    Strenght: Strong
     - REGENERATION, 0, 30, 30
     - SLOW, 1, 10, 30
     - SLOW_DIGGING, 2, 0, 60
     - WATER_BREATHING, 1, 10, 40
     - WEAKNESS, 0, 20, 10
     - INVISIBILITY, 0, 50, 10


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 10, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Dec 29, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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