EOL notice:
After almost 6 years, this plugin has reached an end-of-life status.
I will no longer be maintaining this plugin. If you are a developer and are interested in the source code of this project, feel free to use it as it is published under an MIT license.
To all the great people in the community: Thank you for the wonderful time!
Documentation can be found on Github wiki. (Edit: 9/2/2017: link fixed)
Source code can be found on Github.
What does this plugin do?
This plugin enables PHP developers to access minecraft commands from a web-based script.
A scheme: Ingame command -> Your php-enabled server -> Your PHP file does stuff and provides output/commands -> Plugin executes commands and prints output. Or: Webpage command -> bukkit server -> Plugin executes commands and prints output.
A few of the possibilities:
Online adminstration screen Online console Membership system (become VIP with a donation) Paypal donation system ...
Seperate thread (no server lag because of the wait.) Commands (ingame or console emulation) Command to color output send from php. Secure connection (protected with password hash) Permissions support (just "websend") Both ways enabled (PHP -> bukkit | bukkit -> php (-> bukkit))
Head over to the files for the latest version, and here for installation instructions.
Documentation and more.
Or for the more recent versions: Use the new documentation found here:
What exactly i must to setup in server ?
The information at the "Pages" link here is pretty complete if you have a working knowledge of PHP and Minecraft. If not, you'll need to ask some specific questions. I'll answer as best I can.
"Virtual money" usually means in-game currency, and that doesn't sound like anything requiring a web server. An economy plugin should handle that on its own.
Are you asking for someone to write a PHP script for you?
That means your server isn't setup properly.
That means your server isn't setup properly.
Help, problem with Websend.php.
Warning: unpack() [function.unpack]: Type C: not enough input, need 1, have 0 in C:\home\test1.ru\www\Websend.php on line 95
Warning: unpack() [function.unpack]: Type C: not enough input, need 1, have 0 in C:\home\test1.ru\www\Websend.php on line 95
Warning: unpack() [function.unpack]: Type C: not enough input, need 1, have 0 in C:\home\test1.ru\www\Websend.php on line 95
Warning: unpack() [function.unpack]: Type C: not enough input, need 1, have 0 in C:\home\test1.ru\www\Websend.php on line 95
Thanks a lot for the updates and the detailed documentation! :)
I have this on my website page: Warning: unpack(): Type c: not enough input, need 1, have 0 in C:\xampp\htdocs\Websend.php on line 109
Warning: unpack(): Type c: not enough input, need 1, have 0 in C:\xampp\htdocs\Websend.php on line 109
Warning: unpack(): Type c: not enough input, need 1, have 0 in C:\xampp\htdocs\Websend.php on line 109
Warning: unpack(): Type c: not enough input, need 1, have 0 in C:\xampp\htdocs\Websend.php on line 109 Time set.
I really need someone help me ! ! !
I want that my users (on my website) can execute command but in a special way !
I meen that I want to do a "switch" in PHP and if they have virtual money, they can execute particuliar command !
For expample :
He has 1 $ then he can click on the "vip" image then he will become a VIP and I run also a SQL command (update...). Or if he has 3$ he can click on "grass block" image and then he has a lot of grass in minecraft server !!
Please can someone make a tutorial from this plugin im not a JAVA Developer but it looks like verry awsome to use the donate system
websend plugins support ssl?
As am I. Been waiting for this for months! :)
Glad to see the updates. Thanks, devs!
Your Websend.php is unable to make a connection to your Websend plugin, make sure you have correct host/port and that websend is running on your server
Warning: fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/arialcra/public_html/mc/Websend.php on line 45
http://pastebin.com/2nHT5ZBL http://pastebin.com/5UL0Kw4f
i also added some connection checks
Can I use this for another bukkit port ? like websend connect to ip:25566 I try to edit
$ws = new Websend("ip:25566"); but it error
"Warning: unpack() [function.unpack]: Type C: not enough input, need 1, have 0 in Websend.php on line 95"
sorry for my english
is there no way to actually get a username of someone who died? player death is in entity, and thus wont tell you a player name (i tried) i was going to detect respawn instead, but that wont work because the player can just close out of minecraft without hitting respawn and then i have no way of knowing they died, plz help, i would really like to use this plug, but it cant solve my problem without knowing who died :(