WebAuction - Website based item market [1597]
Requires: An economy plugin (iConomy 4,5,6, BOSEconomy 6 & 7, EssentialsEcon, 3Co, MultiCurrency, MineConomy, eWallet, EconXP)
Requires: Vault
Requires: Web server running PHP 5.2+
Download Latest .jar:
WebAuction.jar v0.6.4 - last change 20th Jan 2012
Download Latest Web Folder:
WebInterface.zip v0.6.4 - last change 22th Jan 2012
Download Latest Development .jar:
WebAuction.jar - last change 9th Feb 2012
Download Latest Development Web Folder:
WebInterface.zip - last change 9th Feb 2012
Development Server
If you want to see a demonstration of a working (mostly) development version of this plugin, I am currently running a small server with it (not 24/7). However the website is pretty sluggish because it is not hosted on the same server as minecraft, but it should still work.
- IP: twm.servegame.com
- Website: webauction.threewisemeh.com
Source (GitHub)
WebAuction (jar) - http://bit.ly/o8vpPq
WebInterface (web files) - http://bit.ly/nPubR1
Ok, so I know there are loads of shop plugins that all do slightly different things. But because of the UI restrictions in game, I chose to make a shop plugin that links in with a website via a MySQL database to make trade easier, and even allow people to check on how their items are doing without being logged into the game. (mobile device?).
Basic idea is that admins (or players with right permissions etc) set up auction houses around the world. Players can then go there and deposit items, when they do this the items disappear from the world and get logged into the players online account. They they put money in the online account by clicking signs. Once this is done and they have set a password, they can log into the website and see all the auctions that are going on.
Using the money in the online account they can buy items, and they will be sent to the mailbox in game (a sign) and they can set up their own auctions for the items they have stored online.
One of the main features is that the website will look at all the sales and calculate a moving average for the market price of that item. Which should help players when setting a price, or buyers to see if they are getting a good deal.
- Just added a how to edit section for info and new designs to help change the look of the website
- Works best with iConomy stored in the same MySQL database as the WebAuction tables (direct money link from game to website)
- Only members of your server can get an account
- Change password from in game
- Deposit items to be sold by right-clicking a mailbox deposit sign while holding it
- Change online balance with signs
- Get items from a sign mail box
- Moving average market price calculations
- Can link directly to the iConomy database
Overview Video:
will take more soon, when we have spent a while using it so that the market prices are properly calculated.
- Download the WebAuction.zip and extract it
- Put the WebAuction.jar in the plugins folder on your minecraft server
- Put the WebAuctionInterface folder (you can rename) on your website
- Restart server
- Look in plugins/WebAuction to find the config file add your MySQL database details
- In the interface folders on website, find the scripts/config.php file and add MySQL details again
- Be careful with mysql passwords, special characters such as {}[]() may cause the file to be incorrectly read by the yml parser.
- Make everyone create a password, make sure its different to ones they use elsewhere etc.
- Make a sign for the withdraw mail box (see screenshot) First list: "[WebAuction]" Second line: "MailBox"
- Make a sign for the deposit mail box (see screenshot) First list: "[WebAuction]" Second line: "MailBox" Third line: "Deposit"
- If you have iConomy data stored in the same database as the WebAuction data, use the web config file to point to the right table, and ignore the stuff about withdraw and deposit signs.
- Make some withdraw and deposit signs for money (again in screenshot) First line "[WebAuction]" Second: "Withdraw" or "Deposit" Third: the amount of money, or for the withdraw sign you can put "All" on the third line
- You can also make recent auction signs, to show a live feed of the new auctions: First line "[WebAuction]" Second: "Recent" Third: a number for the offset, so for the most recent auction put "1", second most recent "2" etc.
- Log into the website and start selling
Important Signs
Used to deposit items and withdraw items that are in your mail
Line 1: [WebAuction] Line 2: MailBox Line 3: Withdraw (not actually needed but makes it neater with the other deposit sign :P)
Line 1: [WebAuction] Line 2: MailBox Line 3: Deposit
Deposit Money:
Used to send money to the website to be used on the WebAuction (not needed if using iconomy databases) Line 3 can be any number (100, 0.01, 55.7 etc.)
Line 1: [WebAuction] Line 2: Deposit Line 3: 100
Withdraw Money:
Used to get money from the website to be used on the WebAuction (not needed if using iconomy databases) Line 3 can be any number (100, 0.01, 55.7 etc.) Line 3 can also be "All".
Line 1: [WebAuction] Line 2: Withdraw Line 3: All
Recent Auction Feed
Used to see recent auctions people have made, you can set up as many signs as you want each looking for subsequent auctions. For example in your auction house you could have one sign to show each of the five most recent auctions. For line 3 enter the number for the offset from the most recent auction ("1" for the most recent, "2" for the second most recent... etc.)
These signs will update automatically when new auctions are made, and will display the item name, the quantity and the price.
Line 1: [WebAuction] Line 2: Recent Line 3: 1
There is now also another way of displaying recent auctions. If you have the SignLink plugin on your server you can display values about the auctions however you like on signs using various bits of data as variables. So far I have just got:
- Auction Name (%WAName1%)
- Auction Price (%WAPrice1%)
- Auction Quantity (%WAQuant1%)
Where you can change the number (1) for any other in the same way as in the previous auction signs, except I think 0 is actually the most recent auction.
I will soon be adding other information such as the sellers name and maybe the market price etc.
New Auction Shouting
A sign that is given a radius, when a new auction is created it will shout in it's radius about it to anyone nearby, line 3 is the radius in blocks.
Line 1: [WebAuction] Line 2: Shout Line 3: 10
Twitter feed
If you want to send information of new auctions and sales to a twitter account. Open up the config.php file (in the scripts folder).
Go to: https:dev.twitter.com/apps/new Input all your information. It doesnt really matter what you put for the name and things on the first page. (and you don't need to add anything for the callback)
When you have created your new app, open the settings tab, and set the application type access to "read and write". Save everything. Go back to main app info page. On that page should be the consumer key and consumer secret. Add these two values to the config file.
Near the bottom of the page is a button that says "create access token", makes sure you have set the permissions to read and write then click this button and copy the two values it gives you into the config folder.
Done (hopefully)
More Setup Information
To get more info on how to set up the plugin, along with common problems, take a look at the How to Install page
Changing the Design
To see how to change the design, or select one someone else has made: How to Edit
- /wa password [pass] (sets your password)
- wa.use.withdraw.items (use mail box)
- wa.use.withdraw.money (use withdraw sign)
- wa.use.deposit.items (use deposit sign)
- wa.use.deposit.money (use deposit sign)
- wa.canbuy (can buy from auction)
- wa.cansell (can sell to the auction)
- wa.create.sign.deposit (create deposit sign)
- wa.create.sign.withdraw (create withdraw sign)
- wa.create.sign.mailbox.withdraw (create mailbox sign)
- wa.create.sign.mailbox.deposit (create mailbox sign)
- wa.create.sign.shout (create a new auction shout sign)
- wa.create.sign.recent (create a recent auction sign)
- wa.webadmin (user account is admin on the website)
- wa.remove (remove WA signs)
Hope you guys like the plugin, keep telling me things you think would be cool to add and I will do my best. And a donation is always nice :P
only thing I can think of, have a command that sends a sorta /tell to the player with a link to the website. minecraft lets you click on links in chat now, so that might be a solution. besides that, I'd like to add sign shops of some kind, but that will be a bit of work.
Not possible, websites can only be opened on the machine the server is hosted.
Hey, any timeframe?
Could you branch and push your new code so that we can look at it?
You need to use the cmd
That should fix it. if that doesn;t do this ASWELL
is there any plugin that would let someone click on a sign to open my shop website? my users are finding having log in and out of the game and website just to buy and sell items kind of a pain. I'm asking here because some other user of WebAuction might also have this problem. Does anyone have anything like this or know of anything?
Hey, some integration login scripts would be great! Like IPB and XenForo, I've made IPB and now I migrated to XenForo, I will do this integration then I can help u if u wanna add it :)
I'm glad to hear you don't mind the community working on your code. I PMed you asking about it, but you didn't reply yet. I'm making a custom version for my own server, but I'd love if I could release it to the community as open source. was just waiting for your approval before I do a whole lot more work on it. I have an admin friend from another server who'd also help me with the java. I've done a few small plugins in java myself to learn, and I'm now learning from this one.
No but i can't get the actual website working.
I have been using a version from a previous post on here, which allows the market to work, but overloads the server. It just keeps saying Server can't keep up, every second in the logs, and lags real bad.
Has anyone else had anything like that happen?
Please update to the new EVENT system!
In the meantime, rather than messing with the interface and other cosmetic features, could you possibly acknowledge the enchantment duping bug that's been ticketed for five weeks now?
Just had an idea for the plugin. Where it says "mail it" on the web server, it would be neat to have the ability to just click it, or to type a name in and the item would be mailed to the player with the name, so long as they have an account in webauction. That way, people could send eachother gifts. You could even have it still have the default mail it button, and beside it, a gift button, when you press gift, the box for the name will show up and you just hit ok, after.
Exote, you have created one of the most meaningful plugins available to minecraft. While it was a lesson for you in learning Java, for those who've been fortunate enough to use it, it's been an amazing thing.
Thanks a million times over.
@Exote It looks like you are going to be rewriting some things. In the mean-time, can you provide an as-is update to the current plugin. Whatever the people did with the current one is causing everyone to be admins. I looked at the code and I don't see why it would do that. Any help would be appreciated.
Fine looks like I am going to have to update the php one :P
Still want to make a servlet version at some point though, but I wont abandon the php/mysql version.
And I really don't mind how people use any of the code, this whole project has mainly been a way of teaching myself java, and improving some of my php. If my code encourages others to adapt it into something cool, then that is great.
Now where did I put all my database data flow diagrams? ;)
Exote, you did a wonderful plugin, which is perfect for most servers as it is.
In our case it is so, that we have a rather complex economy system on our server which makes other webshop plugins useless for us.
With the php and mysql capabilities of your plugin it enables us to give our players the additional possibility to do their buisness also on a web page.
We don't hope you see the possible adaption of the php code for our special needs as code stealing but as feature you provided for an advanced use of your plugin. Be assured that you will get the full credit from us and our players. We understand that you put a lot effort in your plugin and respect this.
It would not be possible without your awesome serverside plugin, which we would left untouched, that handles all the signs and the transfer of the items.
There is no other plugin out there, which is as flexible than yours and makes it possible to use it even in complex economy systems like ours.
We understand that it is your decission as it is your work, but you asked if we think it would be better as php and mysql and we understand the possibility to adapt the php-side of your plugin as one of its biggest features.
The reason we started using this plugin was due to its php/mysql usage (mostly mysql though) which allowed us to integrate it into our existing community website.
@Exote Does the plugin work with the latest Bukkit beta? If not, do you intend to update it?
@Exote I Quite enjoy the mysql and php would not like to see it changed.