Limiting items listed per day/total #88

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser4509640
  • _ForgeUser7036321 created this issue Dec 3, 2011

    I have a feature request, which should be fairly simple to implement. My idea is to limit the amount of listings that a user can post per day, along with the already implemented feature of the limit on the amount of days an item will remain for sale. For example, a user can only list 5 items at a time, while only being able to post 3 items max per day, while the listings will stay for 10 days.

    This is just a suggestion that might help still allow players to keep chest shops, and to keep a strong economy in which undercutting is not always the main goal of marketing.

  • _ForgeUser7036321 added the tags New Enhancment Dec 3, 2011

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