Sort by Expiration Wonky #119

  • Defect
  • Started
Assigned to _ForgeUser4509640
  • _ForgeUser7448292 created this issue Dec 29, 2011

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. In the web-interface, sort by the "Expires" column so that the NEWEST is at the top, and the OLDEST is at the bottom.

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    Expected: Newest items should be at the top, oldest at the bottom
    Instead: Sorting is done by DATE correctly, however the TIME doesn't sort: All items from NEWEST day are at the top of the list, but the OLDEST item in the NEWEST day is above the NEWEST item from the NEWEST day.

    What version of the product are you using?

  • _ForgeUser7448292 added the tags New Defect Dec 29, 2011
  • _ForgeUser7448292 added an attachment Bad_Expiration_Sort.JPG Dec 29, 2011


    <p>Expiration date/time is mis-sorted!</p>

  • _ForgeUser7448292 posted a comment Dec 29, 2011

    Whoops. I'm running 0.6.2, but the version number across the bottom of the web interface is 0.6.1. Either I totally screwed something up when I updated, or the web interface never got its version number updated.

  • _ForgeUser4509640 posted a comment Jan 3, 2012

    Yeah having trouble getting the table to sort it properly, what with all sorts of letters and numbers. Still working on this.

  • _ForgeUser4509640 removed a tag New Jan 3, 2012
  • _ForgeUser4509640 added a tag Started Jan 3, 2012
  • Forecaster71 posted a comment Jan 4, 2012

    Can't you have it sort by the expiration time while it's expressed as seconds? As with time().

    Or if expiration date is derived from the creation date you could sort them based on that instead.

  • _ForgeUser4509640 posted a comment Jan 4, 2012

    @Forecaster71: Go

    Annoyingly I can't do very much with the way the table sorts it's columns as it is a separate javascript plugin I am using. It can sort some formats but only ones that are divided by a slash or something. Which it was originally. However from what I can see it only recognises EU style date dd/mm/yyyy... Which confused/ annoyed americans (which I am all in favour of :P).

    So I was simply trying to get it to recognise more complicated date formats, but no luck yet. If you are interested have a look at to see what I am talking about.

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