Problems with GroupManager #117

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Assigned to _ForgeUser4509640
  • _ForgeUser8168657 created this issue Dec 29, 2011


    I have installed this Plugin on my Server and on my Webspace too. I've created a Database. It works fine. I have set the permissions to the Group "User". But it don't works. It appears this error message: You don't have the permissions to do that!. But i have entered it in the config...

    What's wrong?

    Kind Regards
    Vincent Jancso

  • _ForgeUser8168657 added the tags New Other Dec 29, 2011
  • _ForgeUser7448292 posted a comment Dec 29, 2011

    It looks like you *might* be using an area-protection plug-in. Something like WorldGuard or Chunky, and *maybe* also a sign-editing plug-in. So, when you click on the WebAuction sign, bukkit thinks that you're trying to edit it and that you're not allowed to.

    At least, that's what happened on my server.

  • _ForgeUser8168657 posted a comment Dec 30, 2011

    Do you mean the protection of Signs or Areas?

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