This plugin keeps the weather in the worlds on your server synchronized with the real-world weather in a location you specify. It does this by connecting to weather underground every few minutes (configurable; 5 minutes by default) and parsing the weather. This means if it's raining outside, it will be raining in minecraft. This is also true of thunderstorms.
You will want to configure it before you try to use it; otherwise it will synchronize your default world (named "world") with the weather in San Francisco, California. (Used for testing.)
This should work for any place you can get an RSS feed with weather in it from WeatherUnderground. See the directions below for how to find this, and if it does not work, feel free to ask for help. Please be sure to provide the URL you are using!
You can view the forecast with the /forecast command, which is available to all users. It will also show the current weather. This command can be disabled, if desired.
Download (This could be more recent than the version on this site if they have not approved the latest version yet. I strongly suggest using this link instead.)
Time synchronization:
Some people have expressed interest in having the real world time on their servers alongside this. I was going to code this myself, however there is something out there already that can do this. Check out RealTime for this!
This plugin now asks you to provide the URL to an RSS feed to get the weather. The old method will not work past version 1.2. The method to get the URL to your RSS feed is as follows:
Navigate to, and find your location.
Around the height of the title of the page on the far right is an RSS icon. You need to get the URL of this - right click it and copy the link address. It should look like:
Take this entire thing, and put it in the worlds section of your config file.
If you have problems finding this, just ask. My explanation here is not that good.
Wow, it seems like they hid it really good. I couldn't find it on the site myself. Their wiki has some instructions, but they don't work for me. (Here:
I think your best bet is going to be to look at the page source, and find this chunk:
You want the URL in quotes - in my case,
Sorry that's really unclear - I may try to find a clearer way to get it. If you can't get it from that, comment back with the location you're searching for, and I'll get the link.
I have problems finding the RSS icon... Can you help me?
Not sure how I completely missed your comment until now, sorry about that.
I do not intend to implement something like that. As far as I'm aware, worldguard does not let us get around the Bukkit limitation of one type of weather per world. We could potentially work around the restriction by sending custom packets to each client, but it could get very involved.
Sorry to kinda poo poo your idea 4 months later. If I'm wrong and worldguard does have some facility to do this, let me know. It would be interesting to have such a feature.
It would be great if you could link this to worldguard regions, so that they have different weather in different regions.
Are you planning on updating this to 1.6.2? Its really neat and I would love for it to be updated!
Because it is functionally complete and works with the lattest CB version. (Your bizarre issue aside)
why don't you update the plugin
A bit late again.. on the tail end of a really rough move. Sorry about that. Anyway I took a look at your paste before it was deleted, and everything looked okay. I don't remember seeing anything that impacted weather, so conflicts are more or less out...
I remember that survival was still capitalized. If you still haven't tried it, try "survival". (Just in case.. I know I keep repeating it.)
If that fails, try completely wiping out Weathersync and its config file/folder, then download it again and redo it. A bit severe, but I am really and truly out of ideas at this point.
I'm really sorry for all of the trouble surrounding this. I have been unable to reproduce the problem and really just don't understand what is going wrong. Hopefully a complete redo will take care of it..
My link to paste bin
The link is only a week
Do you know what's wrong with it
Alright, please change the name of the world in config.yml to "survival" (no quotes; lowercase s. Not uppercase.)
If that does not work, please paste your config file as it is to a site such as and put the link in a comment. In addition to that, please provide a list of the plugins you're using. (Just in case there is a conflict of some sort.)
I could also use some basic information about your server. I want to know: what operating system you're using, what version of CraftBukkit you are on, and what version of java you are running.
Finally, is the folder for your survival world in the same place as the folder for "world"? If not, you'll need to provide a full path to it. if this is the case, let me know and I can help you figure out what to put in your config file.
@cppchriscpp The name of the world Survival in config its Survival an no I have not change it
I don't understand... did you try checking the name of the world vs what you have in your config? And if so, did you change it, and did that work?
check that that it is the same as the world file name
Alright, that eliminates the possibility of connection problems. The other thing to check is your world names. The name in your config file must exactly match the name of the world folder. (case matters too)
One thing that strikes me about your config is that thee S in survival is capitalized. That is definitely the next thing to try.
Let me know how it goes.
In the world it does the forecast but in my survival world says: No forecast available for this location
So, everything looks fine there. Please follow the instructions in my original comment and let me know what happens. I really think that the problem might just be your connectivity to the weather underground servers.
Also, are you able to do /forecast after starting the server, and does it show a proper forecast?
Hi sorry long time but is it
worlds: - name: world rssfile: - name: Survival rssfile:
Hey there,
I really love this plugin, I'm getting back into the minecraft server business and first plugin that I'm going install is this plugin.
Keep up the good work
So that usually means that your server is unable make an outbound connection to the server for the weather. Have you tried accessing the url that you put in config.yml from the server? If it's a unix terminal, you should be able to do "curl http://url" and have that work. If it's a full desktop, you can just use a web browser.
I strongly suspect that network connectivity is your problem, but if you're able to retrieve an rss file from that url from your server, let me know and I'll be glad to help you further. If you do need to come back, please provide your config.yml, so that I can try to reproduce your scenario.
Thanks and good luck!
i had this error
[WARNING] [WeatherSync] Could not read the weather; connection error.