Watchblock Refired

Issues? Read the FAQ first : FAQ
WatchBlock is a high performing Block Protection plugin which protects each individual placed Block by saving it to a MySQL Database or to FlatFiles.
- Automatic Block Protection
- Output of who placed the Block
- Commands to allow/remove players
- Threaded Insert and Remove of Blocks (Not Blocking Main Thread)
- Great Performance
- Multiworld support
- Banana Protect import of Flatfiles
- Admin can destroy any Blocks with Permission
- Easy config, Easy Use
- Exlcusion Blocks List
- Toggle Protection off/on if not Needed
- Protect Blocks above your Blocks as well
- FlatFile support
- Admin Tool
- Import from SQL to Flatfiles and the other way around
- Import BlockProtection Database to WatchBlock
- Import OwnBlocksX Database to WatchBlock
- Protection against Piston Movement
- Water/Lava Bucket Protection
- Locale - Messages can be changed to your language (FlatFiles only at the Moment)
- The Fastest Live Block Protection Plugin outthere with MySQL or Flatfiles
- WorldEdit support to easily Transfer owned Blocks or Protect old Blocks before using WatchBlock
- Chest Protection
- Vault Plugin
Admin Permission
- watchblock.admin (To Destroy every Block)
Permission Nodes
- watchblock.protect (To start protection of Blocks you need to add this Permission Node to your group!!!!)
- watchblock.transfer (needed to be able to use the /wtransfer command, ADMINS Please dont use this. watchblock.admin is what you need for transfer)
Please see Commands Page
- Ops and Admins with PermissionNode watchblock.admin are able to use the woodenshovel to see Owner of Blocks
Import from other Plugins
- BlockProtection
- BananaProtect
- OwnBlocksX
- Switch between WatchBlock MySQL and FlatFiles with the built in Importers
Installation & Configuration
Please see Install & Config Page
Performance Suggestions
- Servers with less than 20 Player online can use FlatFiles with very High Performance
- Servers with more than 20 Players should switch to MySQL the Performance gain over Flatfiles is incredible
- Please Report Bugs to Ticket Section
Need a Feature ?
- Let me know in the comments!
This project was originally created by slade87, and has been continued with his consent.
Help me T-T. Iron, wood, gold and stone pickaxes are fine, but when I cut a block with a diamond pickaxe, I get a message like "This block is ownedby !" This is the same phenomenon when counting world blocks that are not installed blocks.
In reply to 한성조:
Hello, i created a plugin with more features and translate suport and have no bugs!
have protection agaist exposions, lava and water...
Tried /wb-import flat-to-sql <world> (changed the world to the world name of course) and still ended up not importing the database into mysql. No errors in console either. It's reading from the database now though. It just won't import all the blocks from flatfile
tekkit minecraft 1.6.4
In reply to _ForgeUser6884520:
Hello, i created a plugin with more features and translate suport and have no bugs!
have protection agaist exposions, lava and water...
My spiritual successor to this plugin is complete. I've submitted it for review, hopefully it gets done soon and can provide something WatchBlock's loyal userbase will enjoy.
You can find it here.
It supports UUIDs, WatchBlock data import, many, many database formats, and additional features WatchBlock didn't have. I really wish I had some form of contact with slade87 or enigma617, but I can't find them on IRC, they don't sign onto BukkitDev and they don't seem to have accounts on the Bukkit forums, so.. yeah.
Alright, so it's been a few months since my last comment. This plugin is well-and-truly dead, so I've been working on a replacement. You can find some information on it on GitHub, but it's not finished yet and so isn't in a state where I'm happy to release it on BukkitDev.
That said, it would be awesome if someone here wants to test it. Tomorrow I hope to start looking at importing data from WatchBlock, as well. My main concern with this plugin is performance, so if anyone knows of a good way to test that, would be awesome if they'd let me know.
-EDIT: A couple things I'm working on have been requested here a few times as well, such as WorldGuard support for disabling protection in certain areas (the plugin also relies on this for detection of worlds it shouldn't act on), as well as full 1.8 support with UUIDs.
I put this into a PM to @enigma617 originally, but it might be appropriate here as well.
No, I don't think this is possible, and it doesn't seem like this plugin is being maintained right now.
Okay, so...I have a question. We've made a chess board on our server, and we're wondering if it's possible to disable WatchBlock in a certain area so that players can break the pieces without being wallowed, yet still be able to keep the floor protected. If not, then that's okay, and you can keep it as an idea for a possible feature to add.
I'm pretty sure bukkit is dying/dead, so I'm probably not going to be updating this plugin anymore, unless it comes alive again. I have written a custom minecraft server, that I've been using / keeping up to date, and I intend to only support that from now on.
hi Does this work for 1.7.10? Thank you!
Well, 1.8 is out, so no, but I'll try to get it ready soon.
Any chance this will be 1.8 ready?
I'll have to look into mongodb, but I'd guess not. There were never any plans to make the source available.
The pages were just a link back to the original plugin's pages. They must have been taken down by. slade87. I'll see if I can get his source for them.
Hey G! :P
Any chance of MongoDB support? Is the source available yet?
all of the pages (FAQ, Install & Config, etc.) are 404
Are you referring to this?:
"Have installed this, but it seems EVERY block is protected. Can't break anything even tho no-one owns it."
The same happens to me.
No, there isn't a new version yet. 1.7.2 Should be working fine with 1.7.9. I just need to update for UUIDs.