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  • Uploaded
    Mar 17, 2013
  • Size
    49.58 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.6.2


Updating to 0.3.9 or above?

In version 0.3.9 the warps.db was moved from the Bukkit root folder to it's rightful place in the warptastic root folder (/plugins/warptastic)
You haven't lost your warps, Don't Panic!

Just move your warps.db from the bukkit root folder to the warptastic folder.

- Fixed user restrictions for toggling private/public warps
- Fixed warps list listing other players private warps
- Added warp import for xWarp
- Fixed warp conversion for MyWarp & xWarp on windows systems (requires renaming db file as specified in /fixwarp menu)
- Fixed setwarp for other player saying the player's name instead of owner's name
- Updated warpdata conversion to new DB format
- Added check on /warp to ensure target world is loaded
- Added /clearwarps (warptastic.admin / warps owner)
- Added /warpinfo (warptastic.info/warptastic.admin/warp owner)
- Fixed bug when warping another user to non-existant warp, no notification that warp does not exist.
- New Permission warptastic.signonly.bypass
- Added Warp Signs
- Added editable warp limits per group (warptastic.limit.#)
- Fixed error when users set warpeffectduration to '0' (it can't be 0, otherwise the warp never has a chance to finish)
- Fixed warping to a creative world from a survival world causing you to lose flight in creative mode
- Changed placement of warps.db from main dir to plugin directory
- Disable warp effect altogether (This will NOT fix your problems with multiverse, that is a SEPERATE plugin. please stop sending me abusive messages. I'm sorry that there's nothing I can do for you.)
- Bugfix: Players able to toggle private warp to public without warptastic.setwarp.public permission.
- Bugfix: Removed excess debug code.
- Added: Configurable warp effect time
- Removed: permission warptastic.setwarp
- Added: permission warptastic.setwarp.public
- Added: permission warptastic.setwarp.private
- Update: MaxPublicWarps & MaxPrivateWarps joined into one limit > MaxWarps
- BugFix: MyWarp importing now removes spaces from warp names
- Update the way and time warps hold user in air, while chunk loads, before finishing warp.
- Bugfix: A hardcoded fileseprator causing problems when importing records (Primarily: Linux)
- Added importing data from MyWarp
- Updated importing data from Commandbook (Now imports straight to SQL)
- Added importing warps from Essentials
- Removed creation of StorageConfig.yml (No Longer Used)
- Fixed bug which caused private warps to be a bit too private....private from everyone, even the owner.
- Upgraded data storage from YAML to SQLite
- Updated DataConversion tool /fixwarn for update of warp records (YAML >> SQLite)
- Added private warps & private warp limits
- Added server warps
- Added Warp-Popularity
- Fixed minor bug with warptastic.list.other permission
- Updated menu accordingly