Commands and permissions

Commands available on IRC:
!players- shows online players
!player <playername> - shows details on the player. The player must be in game.

IRC commands available in game:
/irc - shows help menu
/irc help - alias for /irc
/ircrelink - relinks the plugin to the network. Useful if you were disconnected.
/ircdebug - toggle debug mode on the fly. Requires permission "irc.debug"
/im <person> <message>, /ircmessage <person> <message> - send message to someone on IRC
/ir <message>, /ircreply <message> - reply to last private message on IRC
/ih - hide ALL IRC notices and messages from EVERYWHERE for yourself

Channel related:
/channel - Channel help command
/channel who - shows people in active channel
/channel list - shows joined channels
/lobby - Return to lobby(keeping channels open)
/join <channel> - joins or re-activate a channel
/part <channel> - part the active channel

wirc.mode.aop - sets user as +a on IRC
wirc.mode.op - sets user as +o on IRC
wirc.mode.hop - sets user as +h on IRC
wirc.mode.voice - sets user as +v on IRC
Please note that user modes are searched and matched in this order.

wirc.debug - allows toggle of debugging to console channel (/irc debug)
wirc.message - allows use of /ir and /im
wirc.channels - allows use of joining/parting channels


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