Note: Latest VoxelModPackPlugin update is for 1.7.10, not 1.7.9.
About VoxelModPackPlugin
VoxelModPackPlugin is the server-side counterpart to The VoxelModPack. It replaces and combines the now deprecated VoxelPacket, VoxelTextures, and VoxelPlayer plugins. Server owners can use this single plugin to provide all server-enhanced functionality to VoxelModPack users.
- Sends server region data to clients running the VoxelTextures client mod. The plugin is very lightweight and sends only the region data and a hashed “world identifier” used by the client to determine the current world.
- Sends chat messages, player scale and rank information to clients running the VoxelPlayer client mod.
- Enables use of the wiki functionality in VoxelBoards, simply set the wiki urls in the configuration file.
- Clients must be using mods designed by The VoxelModPack Team (like those included in VoxelModPack or BronyModPack) to take advantage of this plugin.
VoxelTextures Functionality
Using this plugin allows clients running VoxelTextures to experience region-specified texture pack changes and other cool functionality such as welcome text and display of the current region name. Server operators can reload the region file at any time and can also find the current world hash to allow the creation of server-specific region files. Place your server's custom regions.xml file in in the plugins/VoxelModPackPlugin/ folder on your server. An example regions.xml with comments is available here.
VoxelPlayer Functionality
Most VoxelPlayer functionality happens automatically, but to use the coloured names for ranks on your server it is necessary to be running PermissionsEx as well (it will be automatically detected if installed on your server). Once you have installed PermissionsEx you can easily assign a colour to a particular rank or user by setting the option node voxelplayer.rank.colour to a six-digit hex colour:
/pex group admins set voxelplayer.rank.colour FF5555
Reloads the server-side regions.xml file, use this command to instruct the server to reload the file from disk when changes are made.
Displays the hash of the currently occupied world. Use this to find out the hash of your world to include in the regions.xml file.
VoxelFlight Functionality
Enabling the VoxelFlight component of VoxelModPackPlugin allows the server support noclipping from users who have been granted permission. Users can be given permission to noclip using the voxelflight.noclip permission node (also backwards-compatible with the zombes.noclip permission node). Only clients using the VoxelFlight client mod can noclip using this plugin, other flymods will not work unless they explicitly add support for VoxelModPackPlugin's noclip. ProtocolLib may optionally be used with this plugin, although it is not needed.
VoxelTextures Server-Side Installation Tutorial
This tutorial covers the previous, standalone VoxelTextures plugin. However the setup is exactly the same except that the name of the folder is now VoxelModPackPlugin instead of VoxelTexturesPlugin and VoxelPacket is no longer required, it is included within this plugin!
That's what the node voxelsniper.litesniper is for. You can also use /uu <name> to undo someone else's work. If you need region based permissions, worldguard supports it.
My apologies if my post mislead you to believe that I was questioning Mumfrey's abilities he is clearly very intelligent and capable. I just wish there was some bit of an API for certain things like VoxelSniper so that I could possibly catch / disable it in certain areas on my creative server so we could teach people voxel without worrying about people destroying others work.
The VoxelModPackPlugin will be updated, but contrary to instinct, the belief that this plugin's update delay is due to the plugin developer's lack of initiative is false. Mumfrey is absolutely brilliant, infinitely talented, and probably has a compatible update already, BUT he cannot release it until The Voxel Box server, The VoxelModPack, and the official Voxel Box texture packs are updated.
In short, he is semi-dependent upon the work of a bunch of elitist folk who claim to be "too busy" to do anything. Generally, the server updates within a couple of months after a new version of Minecraft is available.
Is this getting updated to 1.6.2?
Mumfrey, I love your work!
Flying isn't provided by this plugin, it is provided by the client-side mod VoxelFlight. VoxelFlight responds to the Zombe's MOTD disablement codes though, so you can use NoCheatPlus or similar mods to use permissions to control who can fly.
For VoxelFlight this plugin only provides NoClip functionality so you don't need this plugin if you want to restrict flight.
any chance of a permission node for flying?
No it won't be compatible with MCPC, this requires CraftBukkit or Spigot.
Looks not compatible with MCPC+.
Running mcpc-plus-1.5.1-R0.3-SNAPSHOT-f682-400.
Whats the status on 1.5.2 version? Looking forward to having my WE GUI back :)
I have chat bubbles on my MCPC+ server based on FTB Ultimate.
You can use the ClientPermissions plugin to disable VoxelVision.
As soon as we're completed updating the mods to 1.5.1 then the plugin will be made available, we wanted to be sure there were no surprises between 1.5 -> 1.5.1
update or dev build for 1.5 soon?
I'm trying to install this to restrict the nameplate view radius on a MCPC server, a few questions:
1) Will this work to stop nameplates from showing?
if not, is there a way to stop the nameplates from showing? (color code in MOTD perhaps?)
2) will it work on MCPC?
Is there anyway that you know of that will allow you to use the chat boxs on a FTB server running mcpc?
This plugin requires CraftBukkit or a compatible implementation, it won't run with Bukkit alone because it requires features of CB also.
Having an issue installing this, every time someone joins with this installed this error occurs. It is a FTB MindCrack server running multiple plugins, and using MCPC for the bukkit api.
Having an issue with VoxelBoards.....Some people can see the wiki's just fine while others just see "error loading page" any clue why that is
Can we get an update for 1.4.7?