- /vote
- Description: Lists the voting websites that are saved
- Permission: VoteSiteManager.vote
- /broadcastvote
- Description: Broadcasts the vote command to all players on the server
- Permission: VoteSiteManager.broadcast
- /vsm {list | add | remove | clear | config | reload} [URL | Index | Config Setting] [Config Value]
- Description: The main command for controlling all aspects of the plugin
- Permission: VoteSiteManager.manage
- /vsm list
- Description: Lists all of the voting sites with indices
- Permission: VoteSiteManager.manage.list
- /vsm add [URL]
- Description: Adds a website to the website list
- Parameters:
- URL: The URL to the website that you want to add
- Permission: VoteSiteManager.manage.add
- /vsm remove [URL | Index]
- Description: Removes a website from the website list
- Parameters:
- URL: The URL of a website that is in the list
- Index: The index of a website that is in the list (obtainable by using /vsm list)
- Permission: VoteSiteManager.manage.remove
- /vsm clear
- Description: Clears the website list; cannot be undone
- Permission: VoteSiteManager.manage.clear
- /vsm config [Setting] [Value]
- Description: If only Setting is specified, displays the currrent value of the setting; if both are specified, sets the value of Setting to Value
- Parameters:
- Setting: The setting that you are acting upon
- Value: The value to set the setting to
- Permission: VoteSiteManager.manage.config
- /vsm reload
- Description: Reloads the VSM configuration
- Permission: VoteSiteManager.manage.reload
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