
##Please do not change the words beginning with a %
  Ban: 'A vote has started to ban %player. Please type /voteban or /votestay %player'
  Kick: 'A vote has started to kick %player. Please type /votekick or /votestay %player'
  TempBan: 'A vote has started to tempban %player for %time minutes. Please type /votetempban %player or /votestay %player'
  RemainingVotes: 'Remaining votes before %player is punished :'
  Kicked: '%player has been kicked from the server.'
  Banned: '%player has been banned from the server.'
  TempBanned: '%player has been banned from the server for %time minutes.'
  UnBanned: '%player has been unbanned from the server.'
  VoteCancelled: 'The vote against %player has been cancelled.'
  TimeOut: 'The vote againts %player has timed out.'
  Muted: "You won't receive VoteKick messages until you send /votemute again"
  UnMuted: 'You will now receive VoteKick messages'
  Voted: '%voter has voted against %player'
  Supported: '%voter has supported %player'
  UnBanned: '%voter has voted to unban %player'
  Cancelled: '%voter has cancelled the vote agains %player'
  Forced: '%voter has forced the vote agains %player'
  NotPermission: "You don't have permission to perform this command."
  TargetProtected: '%player is protected against votes'
  VoteNotFound: 'There is no vote against %player'
  AllreadyVoted: 'You have allready voted against %player.'
  PlayerNotFound: '%player was not found on this server.'
  TooManyVotes: 'You have reached the vote limit for today !'
  VoteforYourself: "You can't vote for yourself !"
  CantStart: "You don't have permission to start a vote."
  NotBanned: '%player is not banned from this server.'
  Banned: 'Players have voted to ban you from this server.'
  TempBanned: 'Players have voted to ban you from this server for %time%'
  Kicked: 'Players have voted to kick you from this server, please respect the rules'


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