VoltzHelper (requires Voltz 2.0.4 & ProtocolLib 2.4.3)
"My initial opinion of having my own Voltz server was that players and server would get along. Damn, I was so wrong. Only a couple of days after my first server's release I already had players crashing my server and ruining it for legit players. They ruined my spawn and annoyed me to pieces. After some time I figured I should fix all of these bugs. That's when I decided to make VoltzPatch V1 and V2. However, I never got too far with these projects and they weren't working properly. I stopped with Minecraft completely for several months but then I got contacted by oakiepal and after some time we started collaborating on VoltzHelper..." - aurilisdev
"Being an active player in the Voltz community for years I knew how challenging it was to run a Voltz server. After having my server abused by many players I started to get frustrated. I finally had enough and decided to code VoltzFix, a plugin that is much older than this one, that eradicated many of the quite pesky bugs. After that my Voltz server ran like a charm and it was a paradise for people who hated dupers and hackers. Later, after much searching for another fellow Voltz developer, I met Aurilis and together we collaborated with pieces of our old code and fixed everything making what is now VoltzHelper!" -oakiepal
- aurilisdev ([email protected])
- oakiepal ([email protected])
Crash Prevention (Both Server-Side and Client-Side):
- Prevention of certain server crashing Voltz problems.
- Dynamic Tank crash bug fix.
Dupe Patches:
- Mekanism Inventory dupes
- Conveyor belt dupes
- Obsidian TNT dupe
- Minecart dupes
- Teleportation dupes
- Robit dupes
- Entity inventory dupes
- Applied Energistics dupes
Hack Patches (Has some issues with other plugins, being fixed.):
- Fly Hacks
- Open the Galacticraft Dimension menu with /GCMenu
- Heal viruses and stop spreading of viruses to different areas
- UUID ban players so they can't just change their name and rejoin the server.
Special Thanks!
- Voltz 2.0.4 (For giving us the opportunity to fix all of these bugs :3)
- Taeir
The source is not available on GitHub yet, however, it may be available soon.
- Voltzhelper:
description: Voltzhelper.
- vh
- vhelp
- voltzh
- voltzhelp - VHReload:
description: Reloads Voltzhelper.
- Voltzhelperreload
- vhelperreload
- voltzhreload
- vhr
permission: voltzhelper.reload - GCMenu:
description: Galacticraft Dimension Menu
- dimensiontp
- dtp
- gctp
- ssmenu
- sstp
- spacerace
permission: voltzhelper.gcmenu - Virus:
description: Heals the virus effect!
- vir
- viru
- healvirus
permission: voltzhelper.virus - UUIDBan:
description: UUID Bans a player.
- uuidbanplayer
permission: modpackhelper.uuidban
usage: /UUIDBan player - UUIDUnban:
description: Un-UUID bans a player.
- unuuidbanplayer
permission: modpackhelper.uuidunban
usage: /uuidunban Player
2019-07-19 10:43:08 [SEVERE] [BukkitForge] Could not load '.\plugins\VoltzHelper.jar' in folder '.\plugins'
org.bukkit.plugin.UnknownDependencyException: ProtocolLib
Any idea how to fix?
In reply to mctscott:
Yes, you have to download the plugin ProtocolLib as well. It says in the error "Unknown Dependency Exception". You need that plugin since voltzhelper uses it as a dependency :)
In reply to aurilisdev:
My bad man, didn't even know that was a plugin ':) thanks
In reply to aurilisdev:
Do you by chance have a spare set of server files? I cannot get the plugin to run, not sure if it is protocolib version or what, but it is a whole lot of errors and it will not enable the jar.
In reply to mctscott:
Contact me on discord instead of here. aurilisdev#4673
In reply to aurilisdev:
Hi aurilisdev, I was wondering if I could talk to you about some issues im having with your plugin on discord? My user is Tbom9#4837
Can you make a version WITHOUT the fly hack detector?
Its kicking everyone, ops, staff, donors, everyone who tries to fly or even jump high is being kicked.
We dont need this, please remove it.
In reply to Zilacon:
Thank you.
2 days later...
In reply to Zilacon:
In reply to oakiepal:
The plugin is rewriting the config everytime i set the options to false it sets them back to true.
In reply to Zilacon:
To be honest this project is abandoned because we made it really messy in the first place...
In reply to AurilisDev:
In reply to Zilacon:
Does this fix the crashes that occur on spacestations and the moon rendering crashes/lag issues?
In reply to Forge_User_73981051:
Having a few problems how can we exempt staff from the fly hack ban? is there a permission we can use?