Permissions and Commands

Command Permissions

VoidGuard has only one base command and a couple subcommands. Using any command requires either being OP or having the permission node voidguard.admin

/voidguard (or /void)
Simply references version of and available subcommands for VoidGuard.

/void reload
Freshly reads the values in the config file. Use to after altering the config file to apply changes.

/void setbedrock [#] (or /void sbr [#])
Manually applies world changes around player based on the settings in the config. If no number is specified (just /void sbr), the value for bedrock-command-distance in config.yml will be used as the distance limit for applying the changes. If a number is specified, that will be used instead as the limit. Beware that you should use a distance value less than the limit of loaded chunks, otherwise you may face having errors. This command is intended more as a sort of spot treatment than altering large amounts of world.

Action Permissions

voidguard.override.preventbreak (or voidguard.override.protect)
Player is not prevented from breaking bedrock by VoidGuard on layers that are defined as normally unbreakable. However, other plugins may prevent breaking these blocks.

voidguard.override.trespass Player does not have trespass commands applied when they cross the trespass limits on worlds with trespass commands enabled.

Parent Permissions

Acts as if player had every other permission, both command and action.

voidguard.override Acts as if player had both override permissions.