Vitals v0.21


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    Jul 29, 2012
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    87.85 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.2.5-R5.0


Changelog for last 5 versions:


  • Added a config setting antigriefing.antiadvertising_whitelist that lets you specify domain names or IP addresses that are not filtered by the Antiadvertising module
  • Added a permission (default op-only) that lets you start an auction with a minimum bid using /auction [minimumbidamount]
  • Added a config setting playtime.autocleanup that will periodically purge players that haven't been online for a week and have less than a day of recorded playtime, to keep the stats file smaller
  • Added DeathRetention (mechanics mod): if enabled, players with various permissions (vitals.deathretention.[weapons,armor,tools,allitems,experience]) will keep certain items when they die (will not drop on ground). There is a configurable cost per item retained in the config.yml
  • Added Countdown (admin feature): Ops can use /countdown, for example "/countdown 120 restarting server brb", which will countdown for the specified number of seconds, broadcasting the message more frequently as the countdown approaches zero


  • Moved the code for regionlabels out of PlayerMoveEvent and into its own scheduler, so it checks players' locations once every 3 seconds instead of many times a second.
  • Moved the global teleport delay code out of PlayerMoveEvent so it now checks only once a second to see if a player has moved. Vitals now doesn't use the PlayerMoveEvent at all, so it's more efficient and uses even less resources than before.
  • Added a permission (default op-only) that lets you change the game date with /date [MM/DD/YYYY]
  • Added a global config setting global.maximumsimultaneousblockchanges (default 15000) that halts any feature after it alters more than the specified number of blocks (such as regionrestore), to let the server catch up so it doesn't lag out
  • Added two parameters, /vitstatus memory and /vitstatus events, that shows the size of hashmaps loaded into memory for Vitals or lists the latest 10 entries from the events log (arena matches and auctions)
  • Regionrestore data is now saved in separate files per region (named 'regionrestore_[regionname].yml') instead of all in one gigantic file
  • The HungerGames arena match now sets the world time to dawn when the game starts
  • Added new mechanics mod: SafeJukebox. If enabled, rightclicking a jukebox with a record plays the record but does not put it into the jukebox, so it cannot be stolen


  • Added two permissions, vitals.mods.superchainmail and vitals.mods.usefulcompass, that allow you to provide these benefits only to certain players/groups
  • Bounties are now saved to disk, so they persist through server restarts
  • Players with the permission vitals.bounty can now offer their own bounties in addition to the ones that are autocreated, by using the command /bounty [player] [amount]
  • Removed the WaterproofRedstone mod, because there was no way to do it that didn't either cause lag or require modding the server code directly (BlockFromToEvent is the way to go but it's called too often and causes lag)


  • Added Bounties: If enabled, when a player kills another player, a bounty is offered to whoever can kill them. Additional unique kills by the killer increase the bounty on their head. There is a cooldown setting so when a bounty is awarded, the player who the bounty was against can't have a new bounty on them for X minutes.
  • Added AntiStickyKeys (antigriefing mod): If enabled, characters repeated 5 or more times are reduced to one, so "LOL!!!!!!!!!" becomes "LOL!" and "really........ ya think?????" becomes "really. ya think?"
  • Added CancelFlyingWhenDamaged (mechanics mod): If enabled, players that are flying fall out of the sky if they take damage
  • Added a setting admin.regionprotect_ignoreblockidlist for blocks that are allowed to be broken even in regions protected by RegionProtect
  • Fixed a bug with arenas where it was terminating early every time if a config setting was missing
  • Added a friendly error message when an arena match tries to start on an arena that hasn't been setup with /arena setup, instead of it just causing a java error
  • Added a message that explains when an arena match ends early because it reached the maximum allowed time based on the config setting arena.maxminutesgamecanlast


  • Added a new choosable option for AntiAdvertising (mutekick) which blocks the message and kicks the player who sent it
  • No longer tries to hook into Vault's chat system (as it's not used), so you no longer need to have a Vault-compatible chat plugin to use this plugin (just economy and permissions)
  • Added HelperBot: Define wordpairs and responses like /helperbot where shops? The shops are located in the downtown area. Anyone who chats with both of the two words will cause HelperBot to respond.
  • Added HelperBot for commands: Define a wordpair/response like /helperbot command tphere Use /tpa or /tpahere to teleport to other players. Anyone who uses the given command will see the message from HelperBot. (the command will still execute)
  • Added ChunkRegen: If enabled, ops can type /chunkregen to regenerate the chunk they are standing in. If chunkregen_clearabove is true in the config, after regenning it removes any blocks at the level you are standing on or higher.