[ Configuration ] [ Commands & Permissions ] [ Download ] [ Source ]
With this plugin, players can buy and use a workbench, an enchantment table, chests, furnaces, brewing stands and a bunch of other tools. Completely virtually. Accessible by chat commands.
Required dependencies: Vault, WorldEdit.
Optional dependencies: ProtocolLib (see Configuration/Materializer)
According to the Bukkit rules, I have to make you aware of:
Quote:This plugin uses the Curse API to check for updates automatically.
To disable update checking, set 'check-update' to 'false' in 'plugins/VirtualPack/config.yml'.
User-side features:
- Chat-based access to the features of those blocks:
- Workbench
- Anvil
- Enchantment Table
- Chest
- Furnace
- Brewing Stand
- Enderchest
- Workbench
- An Uncrafter (Opposite of Workbench)
- A Materializer (Convert item stacks into others)
- A Trash
- Sending items between players
- Statistics and info pages for everything
- Access via Signs
Admin-side (configurable) features:
- Multiverse support
- Completely configurable commands
- Cooldowns on commands
- Admin access to all users' packs (in full and read-only modes)
- Optional economy integration
- StackableItems support
- Update notification
- MySQL support (data is automatically converted when switching from file)
- Importing (converting) data from:
- AlphaChest
- Backpack
- ChestKeeper
- PlayerVaults
- VirtualChest
- AlphaChest
To Do
- Fix the lags
- Fix all the bugs
- Rewrite the whole plugin
- Cross-server functionality
- Custom smelt/brewing recipes/fuel
- Bind tools to blocks/items
- Download the VirtualPack.jar and place in in you plugins folder.
- Install Vault the same way.
- Install WorldEdit. If you don't want to install it as a plugin, simply place the jar in plugins/VirtualPack. (I need WorldEdit because of the utilities that are bundled with it, and I need those to register the commands.)
- Install a Vault-compatible permissions plugin (see the Vault project page).
- Now either install a Vault-compatible economy plugin or set the "economy" value in the VirtualPack config to "false".
- Install ProtocolLib if you need it.
- Start your server.
- Maybe read the configuration page.
- Have fun.
Importing other plugins' saves
Supported plugins:
- AlphaChest
- Backpack
- ChestKeeper
- PlayerVaults
- VirtualChest
[ Instructions ]
Dev Builds
Quote:Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk!
[ Dev Builds ]
Is of course always appreciated. :)
I also keep a list of all donations.
Alright people, it's too much. Do NOT ask me to:
- Change /v because it is used by vanish already. Change it yourself in the config.
- Update the plugin to a new Minecraft version. I'll do it as soon as possible anyway.
If you do one of the above, you don't deserve to talk to me and I won't do anything else than sending you this video.
Fixed, thanks for reporting. v2.8.8 is pending approval, dev builds are out.
If you'd like to create a pull request for the Italian lang file, I'd be happy to pull. Just drop it in /src/main/resources/lang/it.lang.
And I'll add the GUI customisation to the list of feature requests for v3.0. Maybe I'll actually have time to work on it this September, but no promises.
Log file became 17GB after this...
It already exists: "/v c drop". It drops all the content of my chest when I type it
Hello. I found what was the problem: I had EssentialsGroupManager on my server... I had already permissionex on my server so I had no problems to remove it but I anyway report this to you. I don't know if it was a conflict between your plugin and groupmanager or if it was because there were 2 different permission plugins, I just tell you that I solved it. About your plugin, what about adding a way to buy a gui customizing its name and giving a little more cost for every name's letter with optional color codes (logically leaving in config a default one to take if no name is specified)? It should be very nice for this plugin having this type of customization! Congrats for the great plugin you created! About the italian language file, if it interest you, I can create it for you if you just ask, consider it as a thank you for creating this really useful plugin :) Edit: (I'm not offended if you don't care this)
Possible to add command to drop all items in inventory of a player chest ?
The plugin does not register its commands and doesn't automatically create a configuration file and if I put the one that was created with craftbukkit inside my spigot plugin folder it doesn't consider it... It's pretty strange you tested it with spigot and not with craftbukkit, I thought it was opposite... Yes I've essentials on my spigot server but I installed it also on craftbukkit test server to use an economy plugin (which latch I thought was the cause of "VPack isn't enabled or similar" but it was for no permission set). If I'll can install this plugin, if it interest you, I can create italian language and give it to you someway
IIRC, the message "Plugin X isn't enabled" is a Bukkit thing, and not specific to my plugin. And it's a bit of unfortunate design, but the default is to start with economy enabled, and to disable the entire plugin if no economy support was detected, as to not allow players to get free stuff before the admin has had time to set up the plugin.
That said, since MC 1.8 I never even tested with Craftbukkit anymore, only with Spigot, so it should run just fine there. What's the exact issue you're having, i.e. what do you mean by "[it] doesn't set up anything"? Also, check if you're having another plugin occupying the "/v" command (usually vanish), in which case you can use "/virtual", or change the command to something like "/vp" in the config.
Ok, It works: It was just because I was not using an economy plugin and I disabled the economy related to VirtualPack, is it normal that it doesn't make me use the gui opener commands? It says whichever argument I put after "/v" that VPack isn't enabled... There is another problem: This is for a test server bukkit for this plugin but on my normal spigot server I have some plugin that give economy par example Essentials and so on but It was giving an error somewhere that I could not find because I have a lot of debugs of other plugins in that console... Edit: I done some tests: I could finally make Virtualpack work on my spigot server clearly setting up permissions and so on... but my spigot server still does not load it, I imported the config folder from the one that was created in bukkit and that was also reconfigured by me but the plugin does not interact with this and it still does not work as before... If you don't know what is the problem I'll try to "trasfer" all that I have on spigot to bukkit... but I prefer to try at least one time to fix it for spigot. Edit2: I found VirtualPack debug message on my console for spigot where it's still not working: It says simply "[VirtualPack] Enabling VirtualPack v2.8.4" and there aren't other messages from the plugin but it does not setup anything... I typed /vault-info and it says that it's hooked to Essentials for economy and to PermissionEx for permissions so VirtualPack's requirements are met...
The 1.9 version should work fine on 1.9.2. It's clear that all other version will crash with a NoClassDefFoundError, but what's the issues with the 1.9 one?
Hello, I'd like to install this plugin on my spigot server on Minecraft 1.9.2, I tried using 1.9, 1.9.4 and 1.10 versions, nothing works: I've already got Vault and WorldEdit (they're both up-to-date) but commands did not register and configuration file did not create, I though so that I should use craftbukkit but it's same. I found this error for 1.10 version (I used this one because it says "Is it up-to-date?" so I took the latest one) on server console's debug: Edit: Some config file was created in craftbukkit server instead of in spigot but they are empty!
The 1.10 version compiles fine for 1.10.2... are there any runtime errors?
Will this be getting an update to 1.10.2?
Looks like YAML can't handle number-color-number... any of the following work though:
Only this seems to break:
I'll add a warning to the config page.
Had to disable the uncrafter because i cant block stuff like
1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6,
They seem to get wiped from the config on server reload :(
I Want to block this block from being uncrafted:
1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5
But when I do it in the config it gets rid of my changes after a full server reload
thank you
Dev build is out, approved build is on its way.
So Spigot released Minecraft v1.10 since Mojang has officially released it, and it seems VirtualPack has broken along with it. Here is the startup error:
You can change the command(s) VirtualPack responds to in its config.
when I do /v w or any other /v command it say unknown command