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I come with this suggestion which could enhance this plugin to new level of usability.
The idea is simple - make it possible to add items to virtual chest by commands.So for example you will be able to put some items to player's chest from console.
Those items should support metas (skulls, lores, colors (cloth)), custom potion effects, enchantments, custom names, number of items, ...
So, server admins will be able to create automatic payment scripts, if player donate, it will automatically give him items to his chest, so he will not lose them if he is not online.This feature could be used also by votifier (put items for votes to this chest) and this feature could also block item sharing to skyblock etc (by allowing opening chest only in selected worlds).
I hope this feature will be included in future versions, because I find it very useful.
If you have any questions related to this suggestion, feel free to ask.
Have a nice day!
Will implement in 3.0.
One word - AMAZING!
Thank you so much :) When are you going to release 3.0? When 1.8 comes out?
@Iwitrag: Go
I'll continue working on it when I'm done with my finals, which is by the end of June.
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