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Is it possible there's an issue with the data.db file that would make it so new players can't use workbenches? Recently noticed the workbench feature only works for players who've had it since a longer period, not for anyone that has gained the permission recently.
The data.db file is 56325 bytes and 1133 lines, could there be an issue there?
Actually that's not possible, I switched to an SQL DB quite a while ago, which has 11,388 entries.
And the newer players are listed in that table, yet their workbench does not work, keeps telling them they don't have one :(
I don't think the database has anything to do with that. Could you please attach your config.yml (and configs for other worlds, if present)?
Same problem here. Old players have 10 of the /chests available but when the newer players got permission, they had to /vp chest buy as well as all the other virtual commands.
What permissions plugin are you both using?
I was having a similar issue with peoples virtualpack limits not changing when their group did. People who should be able to purchase chests, furnaces and such were told they could have a max of zero. I switched the group config to use the newer tool limits inside of group nodes but that's given everyone a max of 10 everything. Using bpermissions
PEX here.
I'm just trying to find out whether this is a startup or runtime related problem, because the packs are checked for things to be given out to players only on startup and reload, so when the permissions are not set up when VirtualPack loads the user data (happens with GroupManager), nothing is given out. If players can't buy stuff however, then either VirtualPack or Vault is failing completely at handling permissions. :/
@Siguza: Go
I used to be able to reload the plugin or wait for a restart and it would detect the group change fine. Now neither seems to make a difference. Running stats on myself or another player to check limits also returns nothing.
Sorry for not replying for so long, but is anyone still having this problem?
I have a similar issue with it not giving players /chest and /uncrafter even though they have the permission for it. Im using PEX aswell btw. I also noticed that the config i had was not the same as a new one i generated on a test server.
@Punkred: Go
And is '0' and tools.chest.start is bigger than 0?
The buy is whats there by default, and the start is set to 10 or however the default is, i have only changed the mysql information if i recall.
Heres the config just incase:
max is 10, start is 0. If you want your players to get free chests, set tools.chest.start to as many as you want. You probably want to set max to the same value, unless you want your players to be able to buy more. For the uncrafter, set to 0, then it will be given out for free.
Ok thanks ill do that.
Ok im supposed to change this in the config correct? It looks like youre telling me permissions but im not sure lol. Ive changed it in the configs and some people are still having issues while others claim its been fixed
Yes, in the config.
# I removed all the irrelevant nodes tools: uncrafter: buy: '0' chest: start: '5'
But your players also need the permissions vpack.use.uncrafter and vpack.use.chest.
My config is setup like this but i still had to manually give a player his chest. It seems to only affect certain players i believe, i have the permissions set correctly aswell.
EDIT: My chest section in the config is like so:
chest: max: '10' start: '10' multiply: '1' buy: '0' use: '0' size: '6' cooldown: '0'
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