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UploadedFeb 3, 2013
Size113.28 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.7-R1.0
- CB 1.4.7-R0.1
- Blacklists for uncrafting and storing items (in chests, furnaces and brewing stands) - See the config page for more information.
- Improved the /send command (new options: -all, -copy)
- New config option: send.notify-interval - If bigger than zero, players who received items will be notified every X seconds until they use a virtualpack command.
- New command: /v ad loadfile - If you want to convert to mysql and it isn't working, use this.
- New config option: global-perms - Set this to true if your permissions plugin doesn't support world-based inheritance.
- New config option: load-multithreaded
- false - everything is loaded normally
- semi - data is loaded in a separate thread (server starts up faster)
- true - data is loaded in a separate thread for each user. (Fastest, but this may cause errors, use with caution!)
- New permissions:
- vpack.bypass.all - bypass all limitations
- vpack.bypass.creative - previously vpack.creative
- vpack.bypass.blacklist.all - ignore all blacklists
- vpack.bypass.blacklist.uncrafter - ignore the uncrafter blacklist
- vpack.bypass.blacklist.store - ignore the storage blacklist
- Minor bug fixes
- 1.4.7 compatible
- Config option to block creative mode (and permission to bypass it if enabled)
- In the console, when executing admin commands that require a world context (like "/v ad give"), you can now specify the world by adding "w:<world>" after the "/v ad". (example: "/v ad w:narnia give Siguza c 5")
- Uncrafting enchanted items will now uncraft to the item without enchantments and enchanted books. Uncrafting an enchanted book will give you a normal book.
- Minor bug fixes with language handling
- Support for BackPack saves
- This version will overwrite your lang.yml
- Anvil features
- VirtualChest files support
- Item sending feature
New commands:
- /v a
- /v send
New permissions:
- vpack.use.anvil
- vpack.use.anvil.free
- vpack.send