
Coming soon!
VBox is a Essentials like plugin without all of the stuff you don't need.
I am working on it on my own and i will update on everything i am adding to it.
Hopefully you guys are going like it and i will put in a changelog even though i haven't uploaded it yet!
Player Specific Files
vBox has Playerspecific yml files that has their information necessary to make the plugin work and have other plugins get information out of it aswell.
Working on this plugin i am trying to get the plugin working to be used as a library for other plugins aswell due to it having a player specific/ip specific yml files
- Teleport Commands
- Spawn
- Banning/IpBanning
- Kick
- warps
- homes
- back
- kits
- Tpa/tpahere
- tpaccept/deny
- Other stuff