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I have been having a problem now for the past five months trying to write scripts that can read a sign and also detect the location of a sign that has been clicked on. The following are the three placeholders that I have been trying to use.
<signtext: : > I have tried everything that I can think of to get this placeholder to work with anything other than using the actual numeric coordinates. We need this to work with a coordinate variable so that it can be used in scripts that is used for more than just one sign.
<getblocklos: : > This doesn't work for me either. although it is line of site, it reports back, the location of the first block location that is occupied by anything, not the block under the crosshairs that is actually being looked at. Technically not a fixable issue but it is a problem.
<triggerloc> This one is the one I really need to work with because I am now using data objects to store all sign data in. My problem here is, RightClick and LeftClick triggers generate the player's location and not the block location that was clicked on. My question is did you also make the following change in version Getting the player's location when we are trying to retrieve the event trigger's location is not good thing.
v2.0.1 Minor fixes Right/Left click triggers work now. (e.getBlock() changed to e.getPlayer(). Yeah, that was all that was wrong.)
Left and Right Click in VT are player events. It is triggered when the server receives a packet that says the player clicked their mouse, NOT when the player clicks on something. They also fire when a player clicks when targeting nothing but air. They are functioning as intended.
Use the PlayerClickBlock event in VTV2, along with the <clicktype> placeholder. It is now documented.
@KyadCK: Go
Thanks for that explanation. I am now trying to use a click trigger in concert with the Right/Left ckicks. The ClickTrigger stores the sign position in a variable and right and left are used to determine which one was clicked. I have found a slight problem using <triggerloc> with ClickTrigger. If I read the variable first thing in the script, the variable is not updated yet. I preceeded the read with a 0.1 second pause.
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