What is uSkyblock
uSkyblock is a surviving game that transport you to a small island in mid-air. You need to try and survive with the minimum resources.
You can with the few given items create a cobblestone generator which you can then use to expand your island.
By doing the challenges (command /challenges or /c) you can earn Items, Money, XP and Special permissions. Some of these items you earn are needed to complete the next challenges.
You can play alone or you can invite your friends (/is invite [playername])to build together on your island.
You can set a warp (/is warp [playername] to show off what you have done on your island. This can be turned on or off at the GUI.
You can set your own biome (/is biome [biomename]).
In Talabrek's version there were a lot of questions about the Chest and Ender_Chest in the GUI. This feature is now made optional and can be removed if needed. However I have made an example set (See below the Third Party Plugins) to use to the full extent.
Video Tutorials
By Koz4Christ
If you like this video plz subsribe to his channel, he does a plugin tutorial video every week.
If you would like to have your video tutorial featured on our video tutorial page (preferably in your own language) send me (dutchy1001) a message.
We would like many different language video's to help out as many server owners we can.
Click here for the video tutorial page.
As there were many questions asked how to donate for our work and time we always said that we are doing this for the community. We, R4zorax and myself (dutchy1001) do this as a hobby and enjoy the time spent on it. R4zorax as the main developer likes coding and solving of the issues you guys and gals find, my contribution is to answer most of you and troubleshoot through your config's, permissions and sometimes joining your servers to see at first hand what goes wrong and help you fix them. I also maintain the uSkyblock server were the latest version is tested.
Since the plugin is free, and the source-code is open-source, we see no need to further our own cause. But! We'd like to use this opportunity to raise money for charities.
So here we go, we have setup a page were you guys and gals can donate on our behalf.
This website will do all the work for us to donate to a good cause.
We've set the bar to £500 and when this is accomplished we will put up a POLL for the next £500 that way you all can have a say too.
To donate visit JustGiving
We also would like to thank you all for the many positive reactions we have received since we took over from Talabrek. Without you all we wouldn't be were we are now, so thank you too.
Last note:
We can not support Minecraft v1.7.xx anymore as there are to many differences between those versions. Cauldron is not supported, for help ask on their forums.
Actually I have a bungee server. I use WG 6.0 on my PVP server and it's working fine, but on my Skyblock server I still use WG 5.9 for protecting islands.
But visitors of any island are able to "trample crops, kill animals, shear sheep and kill mobs", are you saying to me that it is not expected ?
Nice to know, but some flag handling is different then the v5.9.
Can you check a few thing like "trampeling of crops, killing animals, shearing sheep and killing mobs" by visitors of the island (when warps are enabled for example).
Well, I use WorldGuard 6.0 Beta 5 on my server, which is running on 1.7.10, and it seems to work correctly..
Yes, it suports the UUID. WorldGuard v5.9 isnt compatible with Craftbukkit/Spigot 1.8 as of many updated features and WorldGuard v6 doesnt work properly with Craftbukkit/Spigot 1.7.x because of those updated features. This is the main reason we had to bring out 2 versions. So the WG in 1.7 doesnt use the UUID.
We havent changed anything to do with the mobspawning (as far I know of), you might need to check the biome your in as that can influance the spawning of mobs. I will look into this sometime later today.
Was just curious as to whether this plugin blocks mob spawning or not? I have all my worldguard, multiverse, server, spigot, and essentials files all to allow mob spawning, yet nothing spawns in skyblock worlds... this is a major issue for my players.. lol
Just wondering whether that's a feature/bug with this plugin.. I don't have any other plugins that are preventing it though. Thanks
You rock :D
So uSkyblock now supports UUID in 1.7.9, but what about WorldGuard 6.0 ?
Because WG 5.9 still use playernames..
This release marks the first "official" release since Talabreks v2.0.0-beta on dev.bukkit.
We have updated the plugin to uSkyblock v2.2 for Craftbukkit/Spigot 1.8 servers.
New in this version:
We have added a new version for servers running 1.7.9/10.
New in this version:
Both versions are updated the same only the 1.7 version has different WorldEdit/Guard dependecies with different set of flags.
EDIT: The command /is top or /island top is broken and will be fixed soon with a hotfix A simple fix is to add in the config: options:
- The latest versions have UUID implemented.
- Updating from V2.0.0 beta should not be a problem as the configs are automatic updated now ( do check when your not using the default value's, just incase)
- We are working on a 1.7 build but as explained it was not ready for release.
Thanks for answering me, but I have one more question to be sure:
Will there be / is there a version that is:
- 100% compatible with UUID
- migrate from BETA 2.0.0
- compatible with spigot 1.7.x (with protocol 1.8) ?
Keep up the good work !! :D
The current version has been tested - and should work - but, as always proceed with caution. And... don't use /plugman load/reload/unload with uSkyBlock for the time being.
Unfortunattely we have to push back a release for CraftBukkit/Spigot 1.7/xx to later this week. We have encounterd some issue's that would be unacceptable for a release. I hope to have this sorted soon, we keep you all informed as soon we know more too.
Depending on from what version you update. let us know what you use is the best way for us to tell you then.
Make sure you have all the dependencies.
Were working (with haste) on a update that will have an option to protect all island with WG as this seemed to give some problems.
is there something i need to do to upgrade from uskyblock? some of the islands dont let the players build on them.
I know Dutchy has made some guides as to how to configure a skyworld_nether. But currently, no, we don't have support for "nether-islands". See
Edit: The nether-guide on debo is located here:
can you add nether islands?
We are currently looking into it. There are methods implemented in 1.8, that are not available in 1.7 - also, world-edit and world-guard has changed substantially between the v5 and v6 releases.
Yes, sort of, it renames the region to be named the cords of the island+'island' :)
I just seen that the plugin is getting updated :D
But what about migration from worldguard with player names ? Does it updates island like "playerisland" to UUID compatible ones ?
We are working currently at a version for 1.7.xx. Hopefully in the next few hours or this weekend it will be released.
I have a question: What makes this plugin not compatiple with the mc version of 1.7.X? Thanks.
Lg LukascraftHD