Permissions & Command (V2.7.x and up)
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New permissions in line with the plugin.yml
Since the update of the plugin.yml in version uSkyblock v2.7.2 a few things are changed regarding to the permissions groups.
By default everybody will now have the group usb.use, meaning it works strait out the box for players to have these permissions.
You can, if you dont want them to have a permission of that list, negate any of these in your permissions plugin (E.G. -usb.island.log will not allow a player to look at the log as default).
We have made 2 groups for a collective use (Default Permission and Generic Permissions), the groups without a * and groups with * and a list of all single permission.
Groups without a * are default groups, they do not have every permission in them, E.G. the usb.island.* has 24 permissions while usb.island only has 13 listed. We feel that the other 11 usb.island permissions can/should be given with the group or at the discretion of the server owner.
This page is directly taken from the plugin.yml file and will replace the old Commands and Permissions. The Commands and Permissions will stay as it is (and probably not updated anymore) and only be accessible through the link above.
Default Permission Groups
- usb.use:
description: The default group for normal uSkyBlock usage
default: true
children:- usb.island.challenges: true
- usb.island.create: true
- usb.island.home: true
- true
- usb.island.level: true
- usb.island.limit: true
- usb.island.log: true
- usb.island.restart: true
- usb.island.sethome: true
- true
- usb.island.signs.use: true
- usb.island.spawn: true
- true
- usb.biome.ocean: true
- true
- true
description: The advanced social group for uSkyBlock usage (adds party and stuff)
default: false
children:- usb.island.ban: true
- true
- usb.island.level.other: true
- usb.island.lock: true
- usb.island.makeleader: true
- usb.island.setwarp: true
- true
- usb.island.togglewarp: true
- true
- usb.island.warp: true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- usb.mod:
description: The default group for moderator uSkyBlock usage
default: false
children:- usb.mod.bypasscooldowns: true
- usb.mod.bypassprotection: true
- usb.mod.bypassteleport: true
- usb.mod.challenges: true
- usb.mod.goto: true
- usb.mod.topten: true
- usb.admin:
description: The default group for administrator uSkyBlock usage
default: false
children:- usb.admin.addmember: true
- usb.admin.cooldown: true
- usb.admin.delete: true
- usb.admin.doc: true
- usb.admin.import: true
- usb.admin.ignore: true
- true
- usb.admin.lang: true
- usb.admin.maintenance: true
- usb.admin.makeleader: true
- usb.admin.orphan: true
- usb.admin.perk: true
- usb.admin.protect: true
- usb.admin.protectall: true
- usb.admin.purge: true
- usb.admin.region: true
- usb.admin.register: true
- usb.admin.reload: true
- usb.admin.remove: true
- usb.admin.setbiome: true
- usb.admin.topten: true
- usb.admin.version: true
- usb.exempt.ban: true
- usb.exempt.cooldown.biome: true
- usb.exempt.cooldown.create: true
- usb.exempt.cooldown.restart: true
Generic Permissions Groups
- usb.admin.*:
default: op
children:- usb.admin.addmember: true
- usb.admin.cache: true
- usb.admin.config: true
- usb.admin.cooldown: true
- usb.admin.debug: true
- usb.admin.delete: true
- usb.admin.doc: true
- usb.admin.get: true
- usb.admin.ignore: true
- usb.admin.import: true
- true
- true
- true
- usb.admin.lang: true
- usb.admin.maintenance: true
- usb.admin.makeleader: true
- usb.admin.nbt: true
- usb.admin.orphan: true
- usb.admin.perk: true
- usb.admin.protect: true
- usb.admin.protectall: true
- usb.admin.purge: true
- usb.admin.region: true
- usb.admin.register: true
- usb.admin.reload: true
- usb.admin.remove: true
- usb.admin.set: true
- usb.admin.setbiome: true
- usb.admin.topten: true
- usb.admin.version: true
- usb.admin.wg: true
- usb.biome.*:
default: false
children:- usb.biome.deep_ocean: true
- usb.biome.desert: true
- usb.biome.extreme_hills: true
- usb.biome.forest: true
- usb.biome.hell: true
- usb.biome.jungle: true
- usb.biome.mushroom: true
- usb.biome.ocean: true
- usb.biome.plains: true
- true
- usb.biome.swampland: true
- usb.biome.taiga: true
- usb.exempt.*:
children:- usb.exempt.ban: true
- usb.exempt.cooldown: true
- usb.exempt.cooldown.biome: true
- usb.exempt.cooldown.create: true
- usb.exempt.cooldown.restart: true
- usb.island.*:
children:- usb.island.ban: true
- usb.island.challenges: true
- usb.island.create: true
- usb.island.home: true
- true
- true
- usb.island.level: true
- usb.island.level.other: true
- usb.island.limit: true
- usb.island.lock: true
- usb.island.log: true
- usb.island.makeleader: true
- usb.island.restart: true
- usb.island.sethome: true
- usb.island.setwarp: true
- usb.island.signs: true
- true
- usb.island.signs.use: true
- usb.island.spawn: true
- true
- usb.island.togglewarp: true
- true
- true
- usb.island.warp: true
- usb.mod.*:
children:- usb.mod.bypasscooldowns: true
- usb.mod.bypassprotection: true
- usb.mod.bypassteleport: true
- usb.mod.challenges: true
- usb.mod.goto: true
- usb.mod.topten: true
children:- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- usb.schematic.*:
default: false
children:- usb.schematic.default: false
- usb.schematic.skySMP: true
Single Permissions & Descriptions
- usb.admin.addmember:
description: Grants access to
/usb island addmember - adds the player to the island
- usb.admin.cache:
description: Grants access to
/usb flush - flushes all caches to files
- usb.admin.config:
description: Grants access to
/usb config - open GUI for config
- usb.admin.cooldown:
description: Grants access to
/usb cooldown - Controls player-cooldowns
/usb cooldown clear - clears the cooldown on a command (* = all)
/usb cooldown list - lists all the active cooldowns
/usb cooldown restart - restarts the cooldown on the command
- usb.admin.debug:
description: Grants access to
/usb debug - control debugging
/usb debug enable - toggle debug-logging
/usb debug flush - flush current content of the logger to file.
/usb debug setlevel - set debug-level
- usb.admin.delete:
description: Grants access to
/usb island delete - delete the island (removes the blocks)
- usb.admin.doc:
description: Grants access to
/usb doc - saves documentation of the commands to a file
- usb.admin.get:
description: Grants access to
/usb island get - advanced command for getting island-data
- usb.admin.ignore:
description: Grants access to
/usb island ignore - toggles the islands ignore status
- usb.admin.import:
description: Grants access to
/usb import - imports players and islands from other formats
description: Grants access to
/usb info - show player-information
/usb island info - print out info about the island
description: Grants access to
/usb jobs - controls async jobs
description: Grants access to
/usb jobs stats - show statistics
- usb.admin.lang:
description: Grants access to
/usb lang - changes the language of the plugin, and reloads
- usb.admin.maintenance:
description: Grants access to
/usb maintenance - toggles maintenance mode
- usb.admin.makeleader:
description: Grants access to
/usb island makeleader** - transfer leadership to another player
- usb.admin.nbt:
description: Grants access to
Grants access to
/usb nbt - advanced info about NBT stuff
/usb nbt add - adds the NBTTag on the currently held item
/usb nbt info - shows the NBTTag for the currently held item
/usb nbt set - sets the NBTTag on the currently held item
- usb.admin.orphan:
description: Grants access to
/usb orphan - manage orphans
/usb orphan clear - clear orphans
/usb orphan count - count orphans
/usb orphan list - list orphans
- usb.admin.perk:
description: Grants access to
/usb perk - shows perk-information
/usb perk list - lists all perks
- usb.admin.protect:
description: Grants access to
/usb island protect - protects the island
- usb.admin.protectall:
description: Grants access to
/usb protectall - protects all islands (time consuming)
- usb.admin.purge:
description: Grants access to
/usb island purge - purges the island
/usb purge - purges all abandoned islands
- usb.admin.region:
description: Grants access to
/usb region - region manipulations
/usb region border - shows the non-chunk-aligned borders
/usb region chunk - shows the borders of the current chunk
/usb region hide - hides the regions again
/usb region inner - shows the borders of the inner-chunks
/usb region outer - shows the borders of the outer-chunks
/usb region refresh - refreshes the existing animations
/usb region show - shows the borders of the current island
/usb region tick - set the ticks between animations
- usb.admin.register:
description: Grants access to
/usb island register - set a players island to your location
- usb.admin.reload:
description: Grants access to
/usb reload - reload configuration from file.
- usb.admin.remove:
description: Grants access to
/usb fix-flatland - tries to fix the the area of flatland.
/usb island remove - removes the player from the island
- usb.admin.set:
description: Grants access to
/usb island set - advanced command for setting island-data
- usb.admin.setbiome:
description: Grants access to
/usb island setbiome - sets the biome of the island
- usb.admin.topten:
description: enables user to all-ways generate top-ten (no caching)
- usb.admin.version:
description: Grants access to
/usb version - displays version information
- usb.admin.wg:
description: Grants access to
/usb wg - various WorldGuard utilities
/usb wg load - load the region chunks
/usb wg refresh - refreshes the chunks around the player
/usb wg unload - load the region chunks
/usb wg update - update the WG regions
- usb.biome.deep_ocean:
default: false
description: Let the player change their islands biome to DEEP_OCEAN
- usb.biome.desert:
default: false
description: Let the player change their islands biome to DESERT
- usb.biome.extreme_hills:
default: false
description: Let the player change their islands biome to EXTREME_HILLS
- usb.biome.forest:
default: false
description: Let the player change their islands biome to FOREST
- usb.biome.hell:
default: false
description: Let the player change their islands biome to HELL
- usb.biome.jungle:
default: false
description: Let the player change their islands biome to JUNGLE
- usb.biome.mushroom:
default: false
description: Let the player change their islands biome to MUSHROOM
- usb.biome.ocean:
default: true description: Let the player change their islands biome to OCEAN
- usb.biome.plains:
default: false
description: Let the player change their islands biome to PLAINS
default: false
description: Let the player change their islands biome to SKY
- usb.biome.swampland:
default: false
description: Let the player change their islands biome to SWAMPLAND
- usb.biome.taiga:
default: false
description: Let the player change their islands biome to TAIGA
- group.memberplus:
default: false
description: adds perks: rewBonus:0.05
- usb.donor.100:
default: false
description: adds perks: rewBonus:0.5
- usb.donor.25:
default: false
description: adds perks: rewBonus:0.15
- usb.donor.50:
default: false
description: adds perks: rewBonus:0.2
- usb.donor.75:
default: false
description: adds perks: rewBonus:0.3
- usb.donor.all:
default: false
description: adds perks: rewBonus:0.1
- usb.exempt.ban:
description: exempts user from being banned
- usb.exempt.cooldown.biome:
description: exempt player from biome-cooldown
- usb.exempt.cooldown.create:
description: exempt player from create-cooldown
- usb.exempt.cooldown.restart:
description: exempt player from restart-cooldown
- usb.extra.hunger:
default: false
description: adds perks: hungerReduction:0.25
- usb.extra.hunger2:
default: false
description: adds perks: hungerReduction:0.5
- usb.extra.hunger3:
default: false
description: adds perks: hungerReduction:0.75
- usb.extra.hunger4:
default: false
description: adds perks: hungerReduction:1.0
- usb.extra.partysize:
default: false
description: adds perks: maxPartySize:8
- usb.extra.partysize1:
default: false description: adds perks: maxPartySize:5
- usb.extra.partysize2:
default: false
description: adds perks: maxPartySize:6
- usb.extra.partysize3:
default: false
description: adds perks: maxPartySize:7
- usb.island.ban:
description: Grants access to
/island ban - ban/unban a player from your island.
- usb.island.challenges:
description: Grants access to
/challenges - complete and list challenges
/challenges complete - try to complete a challenge
/challenges info - show information about the challenge
- usb.island.create:
description: Grants access to
/island - general island command
/island auto - teleports you to your island (or create one)
/island create - create an island
/island party - show party information
- usb.island.home:
description: Grants access to
/island home - teleport to the island home
description: Grants access to
/island info - check your or anothers island info
description: allows user to see others island info
- usb.island.level:
description: Grants access to
/island level - check your or anothers island level
- usb.island.level.other:
description: allows user to query for others levels
- usb.island.limit:
description: Grants access to
/island limits - show the islands limits
- usb.island.lock:
description: Grants access to
/island lock - lock your island to non-party members.
- usb.island.log:
description: Grants access to
/island log - display log
- usb.island.makeleader:
description: Grants access to
/island makeleader - transfer leadership to another member
- usb.island.restart:
description: Grants access to
/island restart - delete your island and start a new one.
- usb.island.sethome:
description: Grants access to
/island sethome - set the island-home
- usb.island.setwarp:
description: Grants access to
/island setwarp - set your islands warp location
description: allows user to place [usb] signs
- usb.island.signs.use:
description: allows user to use [usb] signs
- usb.island.spawn:
description: Grants access to
/island spawn - teleports you to the skyblock spawn
description: Grants access to
/islandtalk - talk to players on your island
- usb.island.togglewarp:
description: Grants access to
/island togglewarp - enable/disable warping to your island.
description: Grants access to
/island top- display the top10 of islands
description: Grants access to
/island trust - trust/untrust a player to help on your island.
- usb.island.warp:
description: Grants access to
/island warp - warp to another players island
- usb.mod.bypasscooldowns:
description: allows user to bypass cooldowns
- usb.mod.bypassprotection:
description: allows user to bypass visitor-protections
- usb.mod.bypassteleport:
description: allows user to bypass teleport-delay
- usb.mod.challenges:
description: Grants access to
/usb challenge - Manage challenges for a player
/usb challenge complete - completes the challenge for the player
/usb challenge rank - complete all challenges in the rank
/usb challenge reset - resets the challenge for the player
/usb challenge resetall - resets all challenges for the player
- usb.mod.goto:
description: Grants access to
/usb goto - teleport to another players island
- usb.mod.topten:
description: Grants access to
/usb topten - manually update the top 10 list
description: Grants access to
/island party info - shows information about your party
description: Grants access to
/island invite - invite a player to your island
description: Grants access to
/island party invites - show pending invites
description: Grants access to
/island accept - accept/reject an invitation.
description: Grants access to
/island kick - remove a member from your island.
description: Grants access to
/island leave - leave your party
description: Grants access to
/partytalk - talk to your island party
description: Grants access to
/island party uninvite - withdraw an invite
- usb.schematic.default:
description: adds perks: schematics:[default]
- usb.schematic.skySMP:
description: adds perks: schematics:[skySMP]
- usb.smallbonus:
default: false
description: adds perks: extraItems:[16x Cobblestone, 5x Cooked Porkchop]
- usb.mediumbonus:
default: false
description: adds perks: extraItems:[16x Torch, Lava Bucket]
- usb.largebonus:
default: false
description: adds perks: extraItems:[5x Dirt, 5x Sand]
- usb.giantbonus:
default: false
description: adds perks: extraItems:[Grass, Mycelium]
- usb.extremebonus:
default: false
description: adds perks: extraItems:[8x Bone, 4x Coal]
- usb.donorbonus:
default: false
description: adds perks: extraItems:[Bow, 32x Arrow, Stone Sword]