Latest available file:
- uSkyblock v2.7.2
- This is for server with server version 1.8, 1.9.x , 1.10 or 1.11
- uSkyblock v2.5.3 for Bukkit 1.7.9 for CB 1.7.9-R0.2
- This is the last version for 1.7.9/10 servers
- There is no more support for 1.7.9/10 servers
Use the right file for the right server or you will have problems running the plugin.
Required for 1.11 server:
- Craftbukkit 1.11 or Spigot 1.11
- uSkyblock v2.7.2
Required dependencies for servers running 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 and 1.11 versions:
(Always use the last available version.)
- WorldEdit v6.xx (get it here, or click here for Dev builds)
- WorldGuard v6.xx (get it here, or click here for Dev builds)
- Vault v1.5.6 (get it here)
- Multiverse-Core (versions above v2.5) (get it here, or click here for Dev builds)
Dependencies that are needed for the nether feature:
- Multiverse-Portals (versions above v2.5) (get it here, or click here for Dev builds)
- Multiverse-NetherPortals (versions above v2.5) (get it here, or click here for Dev builds)
Soft dependencies are:
- Chest Commands GUI (get it here)
Stop your server and place the uskyblock.jar and all depended plugin jars in your plugins folder (we don't recommend the use of a plugin reloader). Restart your server to let uSkyblock create your skyworld and all necessary files in the plugin folder (this include files in WorldGuard folder).
Alter the config(s) to your own liking (use /usb reload or restart the server) or leave them at default, uskyblock works strait out the box.