Commands and Permissions

The basic player permissions

/islandusb.island.createDisplay's the island GUI.
/island create [schematic]usb.island.createCreate your island (can also be done from the island GUI).
From v2.6 adding a schematic is optional
/island restart [schematic]usb.island.createRestart your skyblock island (will remove all progress).
From v2.6 adding a schematic is optional
/island partyusb.island.createDisplay the party GUI with information about your island's leader and members.
/island party infousb.island.createshows information about your party
/island party invitesusb.island.createshow pending invites
/island party uninvite <player>usb.island.createwithdraw an invite
/island home or /is husb.island.homeTeleport to the home location on your island
/island spawnusb.island.spawnteleports you to the skyblock spawn
/island sethomeusb.island.sethomeSet the point where you teleport to when using /island (note: can only be used close to your island).
/challengesusb.island.challengesDisplay the challenge chest interface.
/challenges [challengename]usb.island.challengesView information about requirements/rewards for the given challengename.
/challenges complete [challengename]usb.island.challengesAttempt to complete the given challengename.
/island restartfrom v2.5
Allows to restart an island and display the restart GUI

The advanced player permissions

/island levelusb.island.levelView information about your's or another person's island level
/island infousb.island.infoView island block information
/island limits <player>from v2.6
show the islands limits
/island logusb.island.logdisplay log
/island topusb.island.topView the top ten list.
/island ban [player]usb.island.banban/unban a player from accessing to your island.
/island lockusb.lock
from v2.6 usb.island.lock
Prevents anyone outside of the player's party from entering the island (this will disable the warp if warp is active).
/island unlockusb.lock
from v2.6 usb.island.lock
Let anyone enter the player's island (if warp or tp/tpa is enabled).
/island warpusb.island.warpView information about the warp feature.
/island warp [player]usb.island.warpWarp to "player"'s island. Requires that "player" have an active warp.
/island setwarpusb.extra.addwarp
from v2.6 usb.island.setwarp
Set the location that players can warp to on your island. Anyone using /island warp to visit your island will teleport to this point.
/island togglewarpusb.extra.addwarp
from v2.6 usb.island.togglewarp
enable/disable your island's warp point. When disabled non-party members will be unable to warp to your island.
/island trustusb.island.trustTrust a visitor on your island without being in the party (this will give access to build/break and chests).
/island untrustusb.island.trustUntrust a visitor.
/usb island makeleader
[old player] [new player]
from v2.6 usb.island.makeleader
Transfer the ownership of an island to a new player.

Added permissions from v2.7

noneusb.island.signs.placeAllows you to place the sign on a chest or double chest
noneusb.island.signs.useAllows you the use of signs for challenges

The party player permissions

/island invite [player] a player to join your island.
/island an invitation to join an island (give this node to basic players if you allow them to join a party).
/island an invitation to join an island (give this node to basic players if you allow them to join a party).
from v2.6
Leave your current island. Note: If you are the party leader, you will keep the island and remove all other players.
/island the party GUI with information about your island's leader and members.
/island kick [player] a player from your island.
/islandtalk /istalk or /itusb.island.talkIsland talk between party and trust members on an island
/partytalk /ptalk or / talk between party members server wide.

The moderator permissions

noneusb.adminTo make use of any the /usb commands.
/usb goto [player]usb.mod.gotoTeleport to "player"'s island
/usb toptenusb.mod.toptenGenerate a new top ten list, or update an old one.
/usb challenge [player]
complete [challengename]
usb.mod.challengesComplete the given "challengename" for "player" (note: this does not give rewards, it only sets the status as completed)
/usb challenge [player]
reset [challancename]
usb.mod.challengesReset the given "challengename" for "player" (note: this does not take rewards away, it only sets the status as incomplete)
/usb challenges [player]
usb.mod.challengesResets challenges for "player" (note: this does not take rewards away, it only sets the status as incomplete)
noneusb.mod.bypassprotectionThis will bypass the WG protections. To bypass the "entry" flag moderators also need the node worldguard.region.bypass.skyworld.
noneusb.mod.bypasscooldownsThis will bypass all cooldowns (island reset, teleport)

The admin permissions

/usb docusb.admin.docSaves documentation of almost all the commands to a file (A must for server owners).
/usb configusb.admin.configOpen GUI for config for ingame editing some value's.
/usb info [player]usb.admin.infoGives admin information about the player.
This is different then the "/island info" command.
/usb island info [player]usb.admin.infoGives admin information about the island.
This is different then the "/usb info [player]" command.
/usb island ignore [playerusb.admin.ignoreWill ignore the island in the top-ten and exclude from being purged.
/usb perkusb.admin.perkShows perk-information.
/usb perk listusb.admin.perkLists all perks.
/usb perk player [player]usb.admin.perkShows a specific players perks.
/usb island setbiome [player] <biome>usb.admin.setbiomeSets the biome of the island.
/usb island ignore [player]usb.admin.ignoreToggles the islands ignore status.
/usb island remove [player]usb.admin.removeRemove ownership of "player's" island without destroying it.
/usb fix-flatland [player]usb.admin.removeFix the flatland under an island.
/usb island register [player]usb.admin.registerSet "player's" island location to a bedrock within 15 blocks.
/usb island delete [player]usb.admin.deleteDelete "player's" island.
/usb cooldownusb.admin.cooldownControls player-cooldowns.
/usb cd clear or cd c [player] <command>usb.admin.cooldownClears the cooldown on a command (* = all).
/usb cd list or cd l [player]usb.admin.cooldownLists all the active cooldowns.
/usb cd restart or cd r <player>usb.admin.cooldownRestarts the cooldown on the command.
/usb is addmember [player] [islandleader]usb.admin.addmemberAdds the player to the island.
/usb island makeleader|transfer <leader> <oplayer>from v2.6 usb.admin.makeleadertransfer leadership to another player.
/usb island protect [player]usb.mod.protectAdds the WorldGuard protection Region for a player.
/usb island protectallusb.mod.protectAdd's the WorldGuard protection Region for all players (this can cause some lag depending on amount of players).
/usb island purgeusb.admin.purgeDeletes the island your currently on (island.YML will be deleted and player.yml be reset however the challenges will be kept).
/usb purge [days]usb.admin.purgeDeletes the islands that are [days]'s inactive (island.YML will be deleted and player.yml be reset however the challenges will be kept).
/usb orphanusb.admin.orphanManage orphans.
/usb orphan clearusb.admin.orphanClear orphans.
/usb orphan countusb.admin.orphanCount orphans.
/usb orphan listusb.admin.orphanList orphans.
/usb versionusb.admin.versionDisplays version information
(the info we need when reporting bugs).
/usb reloadusb.admin.reloadReload the configuration settings from the file.
/usb lang [landcode]usb.admin.langIngame command to change the language and reloads after.
/usb wgusb.admin.wgVarious WorldGuard utilities.
/usb wg loadusb.admin.wgLoad the region chunks.
/usb wg refreshusb.admin.wgRefreshes the chunks around the player.
/usb wg unloadusb.admin.wgLoad the region chunks.
/usb wg updateusb.admin.wgUpdate the WG regions.
/usb jobsusb.admin.jobsControls async jobs.
/usb j statistics.
/usb debugusb.admin.debugControl debugging.
/usb debug enable or disableusb.admin.debugToggle debug-logging.
/usb debug flushusb.admin.debugFlush current content of the logger to file.
/usb debug setlevel [level]usb.admin.debugSet debug-level, choose from: INFO, FINE, FINER or FINEST
/usb flushusb.admin.cacheFlushes all caches to files.

Added permissions from v2.7

/usb import <format>usb.admin.importimports players and islands from other formats
/usb island|iusb.admin.importmanage islands
/usb is get <player>usb.admin.getadvanced command for getting island-data
/usb is info <player>usb.admin.infoprint out info about the island
/usb is set <player>usb.admin.setadvanced command for setting island-data
/usb maintenance <true|false>usb.admin.maintenancetoggles maintenance mode
/usb nbtusb.admin.nbtadvanced info about NBT stuff
/usb nbt add|a <nbttag>usb.admin.nbtadds the NBTTag on the currently held item
/usb nbt info|iusb.admin.nbtshows the NBTTag for the currently held item
/usb nbt set|s <nbttag>usb.admin.nbtsets the NBTTag on the currently held item
/usb protectallusb.admin.protectallprotects all islands (time consuming)
/usb region|rgusb.admin.regionregion manipulations
/usb rg borderusb.admin.regionshows the non-chunk-aligned borders
/usb rg chunkusb.admin.regionshows the borders of the current chunk
/usb rg hideusb.admin.regionhides the regions again
/usb rg innerusb.admin.regionshows the borders of the inner-chunks
/usb rg outerusb.admin.regionshows the borders of the outer-chunks
/usb rg refreshusb.admin.regionrefreshes the existing animations
/usb rg showusb.admin.regionshows the borders of the current island
/usb rg tick <integer>usb.admin.regionset the ticks between animations

The miscellaneous permissions

/island biome [biomeName]usb.biome."biomeName"Allows the player to set their island's biome to the given biomeName. Available biomes include:
noneusb.schematic.[schematic]A player with this permission will use the given "schematic" when creating a new island. The schematic must be in the uSkyBlock/schematics folder. Do not include the .schematic extension in the permission name
noneusb.extra.hungerA player with this permission will loose hunger 25% slower on their island.
noneusb.extra.hunger2A player with this permission will loose hunger 50% slower on their island.
noneusb.extra.hunger3A player with this permission will loose hunger 75% slower on their island.
noneusb.extra.hunger4A player with this permission will not loose hunger on their island.
nonegroup.memberplusadds 5% bonus currency bonus when completing a challenge
noneusb.donor.alladds 5% bonus currency bonus when completing a challenge
noneusb.donor.25adds 5% bonus currency bonus when completing a challenge
noneusb.donor.50adds 5% bonus currency bonus when completing a challenge
noneusb.donor.75adds 10% bonus currency bonus when completing a challenge
noneusb.donor.100adds 20% bonus currency bonus when completing a challenge

Custom Permissions

There are 2 custom made permissions you can add yourself.
The first one can be added in the "extraPermissions:"section and are build up as followed:

      smallbonus: '4:16 320:5'          #<---gives these items extra in the chest at start or restart
      GiveItYourOwnName: '50:16 327:1'  #<---gives these items extra in the chest at start or restart

The permissions that are used here would then look like

  • usb.smallbonus
  • usb.GiveItYourOwnName

The second one can be added to the "maxPartyPermissions:" section and is build up as followed:

# This section allows donors to get specific perks
        maxPartySize: 15           #<---gives a max of 15 players on your island
        maxPartySize: 16           #<---gives a max of 16 players on your island
        GiveItYourOwnNameX: 123    #<---gives a max of 123 players on your island

The permissions that are used here would then look like

  • usb.extra.party5
  • usb.extra.party6
  • usb.extra.GiveItYourOwnNameX

In both cases you can add as many permissions as you like or need, but make sure they all have their unique name.


  • Green = Command
  • Red = Permission