1.3w Item dropping, invalid recipe, and update check bugs have been fixed!


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  • Uploaded
    Jul 25, 2015
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    17.57 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8.1


Item dropping, invalid recipe, and update check bugs have been fixed!

Items always dropping bug has been fixed! Item now attempt to go into inventories and only drop when said inventories are full!

Invalid recipe registration has been fixed! I forgot to account for placeholder slots.

Bug where version and auto update check fails due to number format exception has been fixed!

Automatic Update Download and Installation has not been pushed back while I learn to fully unload plugins.

File size has decreased as I remembered to remove the auto-download dev code, instead of just disabling it.

There may or may not be a glitch with negative returns, I have to investigate a weird feature I found while testing other stuff

Converting Ingots to ores needs to be fully investigated