Supported Bukkit Versions
Version 0.7
- Added:
- mulitple languages support using LanguageAPI
- softer error handling if not version 1.7.2
Version 0.6
- Added: permissions support
- permission unbreakable.armor (default true) that if false won't make armor unbreakable
- permission unbreakable.weapons (default true) that if false won't make swords or bows unbreakable
- permission (default true) that if false won't make all other repairable items unbreakable
Version 0.3
- Added: configurable protections
- Config item Protect armor (default true) that if false won't make armor unbreakable
- Config item Protect weapons (default true) that if false won't make swords or bows unbreakable
- Config item Protect tools (default true) that if false won't make all other repairable items unbreakable
Version 0.2
- Added:
- Config item to disable to-player message on making an item unbreakable, Message on making unbreakable
- If you don't want a message, make a plugin/Unbreakable directory and put a config.yml file there with "Message on making unbreakable: false"
- default: true
First release
- Requires Bukkit 1.7.2-R0.2. Will crash without it.
- Yes, future intent to make it fail nicely with reflection
- Everything protected automatically.
- Some other plugins don't respect the new Unbreakable tag.
- Doesn't protect horse armor (barding)