Latest build : 2.1 Craftbukkit : 1.5.2
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Beta UltraLogger v2.2 available here, you must delete your old configuration file
What is it ?
This is a logger plugin, a logger plugin logs informations to anything related to your servers so you know what was done on your server when ever you want.
Better than Big Brother !
The utlimate logger, nothing can be done without be logged !
A video tutorial on this plugin by never2nv on UltraLogger v1.0 :
The logs are flat files or can be logged into a MySQL database, the flat files are saved in a directory called Log that is in your server directory, you can read them with your prefered text editor, for more information about MySQL logging see this page
- And soon much more !
- Rollback block commands
- Auto save
- In game history of blocks by right clicking an item, the player must be an OP or must have the permission ul.history
- MySQL support for all loggers see the page : here
- You can force saving flat files by reloading your server
- When something is logged the date and the time is specified
- If a player is an op or has the permission ul.admin the [Admin] prefix will be shown in the log
- The gamemode will be displayed like : (CREATIVE) or (SURVIVAL) and the world beetween brackets.
- Update Checker checks if you have the lastest build of this plugin
- Anti command logger ( commands you do NOT want to be logged ) File : silent_commands.txt
- Log Customization, you can configure what your loggers log and create new ones. see this page for futher information
- You can enable or disable MySQL loggers in the config.yml file
command | information |
//ulundo <x> <y> <z> [x] [y] [z] | undo the latest block placement/destruction at the specified x,y,z but if two locations are written that will do the same thing for all blocks beetween these locations ( like in WorldEdit the two locations taht you choose with the wooden axe)(your action can be cancelled by typing the redo command but after disconnection you couldn't cancel) |
//ulredo <x> <y> <z> [x] [y] [z] | the same command as undo but redo what you've canceled with the undo |
permission | information |
ul.* | allow the player to use all the features of UL ( grants all permissions of UL except the perms to avoid to be logged ) |
ul.history | allow the player to see the history of a location |
ul.admin | players with this permission will be shown with the admin prefix in the logs |
ul.rollback | allow players to use rollback commands |
ul.avoid.X | allow players to avoid to be logged on the event with id=X or on all the events that contains the group X. For further information see here |
Config file
The config can only be edited when your server is stopped
#General properties #Check or not if you are using latest build available check_updates=true #Enable or disable ingame use of an item to see what happened at the specified location history_logger=true #The id of the item with you can see the log of a location item_revealer=280 #File logger properties ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Time in seconds beetween each auto-saves of the logs auto_save=3600 #Overwrite or not the last logs overwrite=false #Maximum number of lines of a log file ( 0 for no limit ), it will erase the first 10% lines of the log max_lines=0 #Do NOT modify this value please, it is used to know last time UL created the log folder last_created=1366823381660 #The number of day until UL creates a new log folder folder_duration=7 #For more information on configuration see http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/ultralogger/pages/logger-configuration/ log_block=1@11 log_chat=69 log_command=70 log_craft=12@15 log_entity=&entity log_inventory=&inventory log_player=&player log_vehicle=59@62 log_weather=63@65 log_world=66@68 #Event groups ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- group_entity=16@32 group_inventory=33@35 group_player=36@58+71+72 #SQL logger properties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #While host value is equal to "blank" or "null", SQL will be disabled host=blank port=3306 name=root pass=1234 database=blank table_prefix=UL #SQL Loggers couldn't be fully configured so only enable/disable sql_block=true sql_chat=true sql_command=true sql_craft=true sql_enchantment=true sql_entity=true sql_inventory=true sql_player=true sql_plugin=true sql_vehicle=true sql_weather=true sql_world=true
Coming soon
- One log for each player feature ( beta 2.2 )
- LogViewer
- Please post suggestions
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Made by supercrew632 :
The BBCode to add is :
The HTML code to add is :
<a href="http://dev.bukitt.org/bukkit-plugins/ultralogger"><img src="http://dev.bukkit.org/media/images/58/242/icon_UL.jpg"></img></a>
To @_Justyce_ and @roelmb
Hi There is "Column count didn't match" error popping up every one in a while.
From to error log it looks like, you forgot to put "," comma between Z and X2 in ther insert.
Can we see your console log or it is the same crash as jamcghie ?
1.6.7 the one for 1.4.2. I have Bukkit 1.4.6.
hello the 1.4.6 version is't stable. server crash after some minutes Thanks for your work
Seemingly more got changed in 1.4.6 then we knew about which version are you using anyway?
This is not stable... After 10 minutes, it generated errors... http://pastebin.com/E3LQrLR1
AWESOME PLUGIN! two things... if i may... when or will this be 1.4.6? just wondering... a pm would be very well appreciated.. and second a short suggestion... i don't particularly care if you implement it or not, but for the sake of including this thought...it would be cool, in my opinion, if each Category which is currently a text file, where a folder, and within the folders where different text logs, one per day... again that would be cool... and maybe a config option to delete each file when it is a certain age, with a default of say... 2 weeks? .......... just a suggestion! again awesome plugin... i will get it if and when it comes out for the 1.4.6 Dev / RB / stable build.......... that's all... bye!
You need to look inside the Log folder in your main directory where your craftbukkit.jar is situated
wow! one of the best pluggins on my server !!! i just found and ban 2 griefers!!!! awsome!
oh and can you make it so it logs console too thx again for this piece of AWESOMENESS
sorry for my bad english
I Can't find the Ultralogger Config.yml. D:
Yeah i'll add achecker that'll check if it's a new day every 10 minutes probably ;)
It only makes new files on restart of the plugin so if you don't reload the plugin it won't make a new file each day :)
It's a problem with rollback, mhh try to reload your server and if the error stills, just delete your file dont_modify_me
I like your plugin but if I try to use any command from your plugin it gives me this error: http://pastebin.com/gFWNfh4f
@brinaq Mmh a bit weird, i'll look into this part of my code to find the problem or his origin
Hm I looked at the config and changed it to "New file every: DAY" Do you think that took care of it? I don't know because it was set to MONTH but already had two files from days. And I thought I set it as new file every DAY right when I installed it ..
Amazing plugin, But I Have Found a Single Problem Hello! I love your plugin. I have had it for four days now and it has been logging the first two days in two separate folders as it's supposed to. But yesterday was day three and it has still not logged day three, neither has it logged day four. Any tips? Thank you. I will pastebin my console shortly, if I can.
regardless youve still made an amazing plugin <3 -guy who did video for ultralogger :p haha
Right because i have my trimestrial exam and don't much time :$
I will change the command as I myself also noticed the bug
Due to family things justyce went a bit inactive for now
The rest will need to wait till justyce is back