not logging #14

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser7442387
  • Star_weaver created this issue May 13, 2013

    What steps will reproduce the problem?

    Which logger the error comes from ?

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    it only loggs if i delete the previouse logg folder

    What version of the product are you using?
    latest version

    Do you have an error log of what happened?

    Please provide any additional information below.
    also have 1.5.2

  • Star_weaver added the tags New Defect May 13, 2013
  • Star_weaver added an attachment config.yml May 13, 2013


    <p>that what u wanted</p>

  • _ForgeUser7442387 posted a comment May 14, 2013

    Could you show us your config file ?

    otherwise you can try to change : last_created property to 0

  • Star_weaver posted a comment May 14, 2013

    @_Justyce_: Go

    1. General properties
    2. Check or not if you are using latest build available check_updates=true
    3. Enable or disable ingame use of an item to see what happened at the specified location history_logger=true
    4. The id of the item with you can see the log of a location item_revealer=280
    5. File logger properties --------------------
    6. Time in seconds beetween each auto-saves of the logs auto_save=3600
    7. Overwrite or not the last logs overwrite=false
    8. Maximum number of lines of a log file ( 0 for no limit ), it will erase the first 10% lines of the log max_lines=0
    9. Do NOT modify this value please, it is used to know last time UL created the log folder last_created=1368469320446
    10. The number of day until UL creates a new log folder folder_duration=7
    11. For more information on configuration see log_block=1@11 log_chat=69 log_command=70 log_craft=12@15 log_entity=&entity log_inventory=&inventory log_player=&player log_vehicle=59@62 log_weather=63@65 log_world=66@68
    12. Event groups ---------------------- group_entity=16@32 group_inventory=33@35 group_player=36@58+71+72
    13. SQL logger properties ---------------------
    14. While host value is equal to "blank" or "null", SQL will be disabled host=blank port=3306 name=root pass=1234 database=blank table_prefix=UL
    15. SQL Loggers couldn't be fully configured so only enable/disable sql_block=true sql_chat=true sql_command=true sql_craft=true sql_enchantment=true sql_entity=true sql_inventory=true sql_player=true sql_plugin=true sql_vehicle=true sql_weather=true sql_world=true

    that what u wanted?

    Edited May 14, 2013
  • _ForgeUser7442387 posted a comment May 14, 2013

    With that config Logs should not be deleted until a week is done but the new logs should appear at the end of the file

  • Star_weaver posted a comment May 14, 2013

    it only loggs things from the day that the folder is set to and i have tryed to set it so it makes a new folder every day but it keep canceling it out and going back to the default settings

  • _ForgeUser7442387 posted a comment May 15, 2013

    @starweaver1: Go

    Are you sure you're using v2.0.2 because until v2.0.2, this error appeared frequently.

    Otherwise change folder_duration to 1 ( so will create a folder every day ), it will log more things than every week but i can't do more....

  • Star_weaver posted a comment May 15, 2013

    yea and ive just re installed 2.0.2, and i have mc 1.5.2 server if that makes any difrence

  • _ForgeUser7442387 posted a comment May 15, 2013

    @starweaver1: Go

    No it doesn't make any difference...

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