UltraLogger v1.7
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UploadedJan 10, 2013
Size152.04 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.6-R0.3
- Fixed log errors ( console spam )
- Changed the name of the undo and redo command by adding the prefix ul
- Updated the code with the deprecated events/methods new to this build
- Added the worlds in the locations
- Fixed a configuration problem
- Code optimization
- Compatibility with skylab
- Rollback commands for blocks
- [Admin] prefix permission
- Flat files optimization (readded a new line each log written)
- Fixed latest build issue, lastDelTime issue, Max lines issue and NewFileEvery issue
- Sql injection hotfix (Many thanks to allpeg for this fast solution)
- All Mysql loggers are added
- Multi threading sql loggers
- History of a block can be checked
- Fixed all MySQL errors
- the update checker now show you the latest build so you can see if you have it
- Fixed main errors
- Add the choice of the database to use
- Remove plugin metrics
- Improved update checker
- Added MySQL logging for blocks, chat and commands
- Added gamemode with the name of the players
- Added languages translations via lang.yml file
- Fixed update checker error
- Logs when they are created periodically are cteated in a dated folder
- Changed decimals numbers into integers
- Better logs
- Compatibility with McMMO
- Now you'll see when a player put items in a container or take items from a container
- Added Plugin Metrics
- Removed the plugin logs for UltraLogger
- Added an update checker
- Added inventory Logger
- Recoded the config.yml file because before this it wasn't working
- Improved plugin logger
- Added option to create a new log each period of DAY, WEEK, MONTH or NEVER.
- Fixed craft bug
- Added world logger
- Added weather logger
- Added player logger
- Added entity logger
- Added vehicle logger
- Added command logger
- Added craft logger
- Added enchantment logger
- Added log options Append and max lines
- Started plugin logger but now just record when a plugin is enabled and disabled
- Added chat logger
- Created this plugin
Still not compatible with Tekkit