UltraHardcore v2.5.1


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  • Uploaded
    Nov 10, 2013
  • Size
    143.53 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.6.4
  • 1.6.2
  • 1.6.1




- Added config option/permission to remove death messages - Added hardcore hearts module, requires protocollib - Added new footprints feature, requires protocollib - Added commands /randomteams /listteams /clearteams /jointeam /leaveteam /emptyteams /createteam - Added new recipe change for golden carrot to nerf invis pots - Added config/permission to disable gunpowder in a brewing stand to disable splash potions - Added config/permission to disable glowstone in a brewing stand to disable tier 2 potions - Normal golden apple removed absorbtion effect - Added tab completion to help with most command usage - Added deathbans with commands/permissions/groups - Added /givedrops command to drop groups of items from the deathdrops config for a person


- Added more error checking to to stop one error stopping other features loading - Stripped colour codes from getDisplayName() to fix bugs caused by using Essentials changed display names - Fixed a bug with the clear inventory command and armour slots - New system for admin announce on /heal /feed to stop permission bug with broadcast() and permissions - Fixed unpickupable items with DeathDrops dropping 0 size items - Fix death drop min amount being 0 if no minimum was specified - Better check for PVP flag with player skulls to stop PvE drops - Fixed transparent blocks in acceptable scatter location block


- Changed playerlist feature back to the main scoreboard to allow /scoreboard commands to work - Colours in playerlist implemented differently without teams to allow teams to work on main scoreboard - Playerlist health now 0-100 instead of 0-20HP making it easier to see how much health someone is on - Playerlist health scales past 100 for people with higher health than 10 hearts - Playerlist health shows true health (e.g. 52) more accurately than 1/2 hearts can. - Changed scatter command to work with teams - Added new config settings to define what '/scatter default' will do - Added delay between scatters with config max attempts and delay to help reduce lag - Added new config option to disable/enable health below names - Added more configuration to change death messages - Added console logging players using anon chat - Added extra code to help players to stop suffocating/taking fall damage/falling through the world on laggy servers scattering - Changed /heal to set health to maxHealth instead of 20 HP - Golden head now gives regeneration II to make up for the potion nerf - Changed /scatter command to be interactive, now less complicated - Heads now attempt to be placed in the world on a stake - Added flag to make pvponly head drops not drop if killed by someone on the same team - /scatter command now has an interactive mode as well as the normal command - Added config nodes for changing the health scaling and rounding - Added config node to change what shows under the name for health