Administration Tool For Bukkit
Tired of Paranoid Plugins? Take charge of your server.
Deathmarine will update ultrabans as soon as possible.
Ultrabans is an administration tool that gives the user
more tools than a simple ban. Most of the commands
are self explanatory, considering the server aficionado
will most likely have they're own methods of administration.
Ex: warn, kick, fine+kick, fine+tempban, ban, ect.
This is a box'o'tools use to your discretion.
Important Read the ChangeLog
- MySql, Sqlite support
- Configurable Messages
- Chat scanning for IP's, Spamming, and Word filter /w Configurable Result
- Jail, Muting, and other admin functions already incorporated
- Fining Players for infractions
- Entry Logging
- IP management functions such as Ping Checks, Duplicate IP Checks, ect.
- Ability to permanently ban a player
- Ability to ban players by username or IPv4
- Import and Export to default plain text files for easy conversion to any system
- Lockdown the server (Temporary Whitelist)
- Warning system with configurable results when a Max number is reached
Ultrabans Lite
With some specific features removed. Ultrabans Lite is now available. You can find it Here.
Commands can now be found on Github.
A complete list of all permission nodes in order
Conflicts with Essentials.
Has been known to work with it, however use caution.
Notice: Please make a new ticket if you have any issues/suggestions/ and-or comments. Issues, that will be posted at main page won't be accepted.
I maybe against forced banning from other sources, however information is invaluable.
Checkout Fishchecker which checks players against the ultimate universal Fishbans global ban aggregation service.
Whenever my server restarts, some people that were jailed previously, but were pardoned and didn't do their time, get put back in jail. Anybody else having this problem or know a solution?
V4.0 when? This is the best ban system plugin for my server
Hmmm /tempban does work :( pls update to UB4.0 :D
your different plugin should change event priorities.
Please fix /tempban /tempipban on 1.6.1+ this commands isn't working! Thanks..
Is there any way to disable all jail commands in ultrabans? I'm trying to use a different plugin for jailing.
/tempban and /tempipban isn't working on 1.6.1 please update!
"ClearWarnings: 1d"
so every 1 day it would do MySQL checks to delete all warns from the database
send me in PM full ur code.
Hey guys i got this error on the banlist mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\wamp\www\banlist.php on line 35 i host it at home i mean on localhost but nothing someone?
Ok a do it. i need command /pardon
Hi, I have a big problem and that I accidentally put in jail a player, and the jail not exist. How I can unjail him. I don't know how to do this. Please help me.
Hey, when will UB 4.0 be released?
I'm understanding that it must be hard to code such a big plugin like UltraBans correctly.
I guess, You should disable bans in the Essentials
Pleaseeeee make it compatible with Essentials... Ban Reason is every ban only The Ban Hammer has spoken ....
1) U didn't post any errors
2) You didn't make ticket. I've said that no support will be provided on thisd page unless u make ticket
3)I've posted link to UB code. So, if u think that i'm wrong and UB code is wrong, go ahead and find new plugin.
Support for u from now on only in tickets section. Farewell.
Does anyone know an english tutorial on this plugin?
Sorry Zeluboba, but YOU are wrong. My settings are completely correct and it won't create the tables, where every other plugin will.
Wrong. https://github.com/deathmarine/Ultrabans/blob/master/src/com/modcrafting/ultrabans/db/SQL.java#L60