Administration Tool For Bukkit
Tired of Paranoid Plugins? Take charge of your server.
Deathmarine will update ultrabans as soon as possible.
Ultrabans is an administration tool that gives the user
more tools than a simple ban. Most of the commands
are self explanatory, considering the server aficionado
will most likely have they're own methods of administration.
Ex: warn, kick, fine+kick, fine+tempban, ban, ect.
This is a box'o'tools use to your discretion.
Important Read the ChangeLog
- MySql, Sqlite support
- Configurable Messages
- Chat scanning for IP's, Spamming, and Word filter /w Configurable Result
- Jail, Muting, and other admin functions already incorporated
- Fining Players for infractions
- Entry Logging
- IP management functions such as Ping Checks, Duplicate IP Checks, ect.
- Ability to permanently ban a player
- Ability to ban players by username or IPv4
- Import and Export to default plain text files for easy conversion to any system
- Lockdown the server (Temporary Whitelist)
- Warning system with configurable results when a Max number is reached
Ultrabans Lite
With some specific features removed. Ultrabans Lite is now available. You can find it Here.
Commands can now be found on Github.
A complete list of all permission nodes in order
Conflicts with Essentials.
Has been known to work with it, however use caution.
Notice: Please make a new ticket if you have any issues/suggestions/ and-or comments. Issues, that will be posted at main page won't be accepted.
I maybe against forced banning from other sources, however information is invaluable.
Checkout Fishchecker which checks players against the ultimate universal Fishbans global ban aggregation service.
Bad build. Reuploaded.
Updated. Been traveling alot and tasked with multiples of projects. Updates will keep with the changes in depreciated code that bukkit decides to delete from time to time. I appologize for the late update.
Anyone knows a plugin that does the same. (ipban by name)
This one has way too much lag on login. Using it for a time.. but the dude doesnt update. Cant wait forever!
any news? I got mad from llags
When I ban someone for 2 d it only bans them for 2 minutes. It looks like d's are registering as minutes??
could you please give us some dev build? with lag issue fixed? thanks in advance :)
I lowered HostPingTimeOut to 200. It helped. But sometimes we have still unaceptable lags.
Do you mean PingCheck? Cause i dont see no PingBack option.. :P
Added Pingback Time out
Added Config option to enable the Pingback
(Must be enabled in config)
(Useful for proxy attacks and seriously lagging players)
{if HostPingTimeOut is set too High this will lag your server waiting for a response}
This is defaults to false, because of this issue.
Disable PingBack if your using it.
Everything else should be good to go. I always build against the latest Api. Considering bukkit remove all depreciated code. However I know how everyone feels with a swift kick in the junk on plugins.
on our server it is laggin as hell when 5 players try to logon :(
Aye plugin works, but whenever someone logs in there is a slight lag spike.
great plugin :) still works on 1.2.3 which is awful. But could you please fix logging lag? When 3+ players try to login, then the server lags.
thanks, keep updating, please :)
i cant kick player Goldik if there is _Goldik_ on the server. it causes http://clip2net.com/s/1FgAv but _Goldik_ and all other players are kickable. i think it doesn't work because of your name guessing system, so can you make some parameter (e.g. -c) to ban or kick player without name guessing?
Please keep this plugin updated :) Just switched to it from another inactive plugin and it already looks amazing.
There are some bugs still with some commands like /ureload or /uversion and more.
I will make a ticked later @Death_marine
Like your plugin and hope you give it a long life :)
Do you have the right bukkit version?
Did you try only to use that an Vault? (No other plugins)
I have the most recent vault installed.. Weird.
@oleerik this works with 1.2 (R6) tested.
Check if you have Vault installed.
Can't enable on 1.2 :/