Administration Tool For Bukkit
Tired of Paranoid Plugins? Take charge of your server.
Deathmarine will update ultrabans as soon as possible.
Ultrabans is an administration tool that gives the user
more tools than a simple ban. Most of the commands
are self explanatory, considering the server aficionado
will most likely have they're own methods of administration.
Ex: warn, kick, fine+kick, fine+tempban, ban, ect.
This is a box'o'tools use to your discretion.
Important Read the ChangeLog
- MySql, Sqlite support
- Configurable Messages
- Chat scanning for IP's, Spamming, and Word filter /w Configurable Result
- Jail, Muting, and other admin functions already incorporated
- Fining Players for infractions
- Entry Logging
- IP management functions such as Ping Checks, Duplicate IP Checks, ect.
- Ability to permanently ban a player
- Ability to ban players by username or IPv4
- Import and Export to default plain text files for easy conversion to any system
- Lockdown the server (Temporary Whitelist)
- Warning system with configurable results when a Max number is reached
Ultrabans Lite
With some specific features removed. Ultrabans Lite is now available. You can find it Here.
Commands can now be found on Github.
A complete list of all permission nodes in order
Conflicts with Essentials.
Has been known to work with it, however use caution.
Notice: Please make a new ticket if you have any issues/suggestions/ and-or comments. Issues, that will be posted at main page won't be accepted.
I maybe against forced banning from other sources, however information is invaluable.
Checkout Fishchecker which checks players against the ultimate universal Fishbans global ban aggregation service.
Is there a node/config option make someone immune to bans, kicks, mutes, jail etc?
Also, is there a plan to add /tempmute? Thanks!
Please ticket. I've been running 0.1.9 on my servers on 1.2.4R0.1 (Pex, Newest Vault) with no issues, check your vault version those guys change with the permission changes constantly (which is why I implement vault).
I'm having trouble setting this up to connect to a MySQL Database, can anyone please give me a hand?
I've tried a few different ways, but this config isn't the same as other config files that use MySQL
The request to update to 1.2.4 Thanks
Update ;/
This is getting lots of issues Please fix
Love this plugin, but at the moment i'm having to use KarmicJail and UltraBans simultaneously because UltraBans can't do a timed jail, like "User JohnSmith was jailed for 3 days for griefing." I would prefer to move just to UltraBans, is there a possibility of this being added? Or have i missed something? Thanks (:
please fix NPE and another issues :((
Hey what are the permission nodes for this?
Anytime someone is banned, Then unbanned They end up banned again after a restart Fix this
Issue http://pastie.org/3641911
How to unipban someone..
Please FIX this issue: 2012-03-17 18:49:41 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PlayerJoinEvent to UltraBan org.bukkit.event.EventException at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$1.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:303) at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:62) at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:441) at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.c(ServerConfigurationManager.java:135) at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.b(NetLoginHandler.java:128) at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(NetLoginHandler.java:94) at net.minecraft.server.Packet1Login.handle(SourceFile:68) at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:229) at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(NetLoginHandler.java:48) at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(NetworkListenThread.java:61) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:554) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:452) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServer
The "reload" is a bad command. Over all I haven't had any problems with PEX.
Try using /pex reload.
@luki215Pl Restart you server. PermissionsEx has issues on Reload. And make sure your vault Version is up to date. Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Permissions manager is not accessable. Is the PermissionsEx plugin enabled?
How can I turn those Host name and adress messages, as it spamms my chat.
Sorry but onPlayerLogin checks a hashset for banned and temp banned players and onPlayerJoin checks a hashset for banned ips and nothing more. I need to know a bit more about your setup. Ticket it and we'll go through it.
Correction onPlayerJoin also checks for duplicate ips. I do need more info about your situation. What operating system, what version of java your using, what version of bukkit your running, what other plugins your running, if your mysql database is local or remote, if using sqlite, any other info.
Hello, great news. But logon lag still remains :((