UltraAuth is a New LightWeight Auth Plugin! I created this plugin because I do not like the other auth plugins as they lag when there are alot of People On! This is why I Created ULTRAAUTH!
UltraAuth disallows players to do certin things, like move, walk, break blocks if they are not Logged in! Use This Plugin to Secure Your Server if it is Offline Mode!
WARNING When First Installing This Plugin, Go To your Spawn and do /ultraauth setspawn
- /login <password> - Lets A Player Login
- /register <password> - Lets A Player Register
- /resetpassword <OldPassword> <NewPassword> - Lets a Player Reset There Password
- /ultraauth - Admin Commands
- /login - NO PERMISSION
- /register - NO PERMISSION
- /resetpassword - ultraauth.resetpassword
- /ultraauth - ultraauth.admin
- Teleports Player to Spawn on Join
- Gives Players PotionEffects Insted of using resource intensive Event(removes on Login, and Telelports Player Back to Location)
- Lightweight
- Encrypt Players Passwords
- UUID Supported
Soon To Come!
- My SQL Support
- Anti Bot Join
- Your Ideas
NEED a plugin that will auto-login players if there premium? Check out FastLogin! https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/fastlogin.14153/
The API of UltraAuth can be viwed here.
Nice Plugin, thanks a lot.
Just a question about an warning on the server's log that I have since the installation of your plugin. And I would like to have your point of you about this warning. And your help too :) .
Which file have I to update or create to avoid this warning ?
For information, Your plugin works even if there is this warning message on the log.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I have installed your plugin V2.1.2 on server 1.8.8 and 1.11
With another plugins on 1.8.8 :
Here is the warning message after more than one start of server 1.8.8 :
With another plugins on 1.11 :
Here is the warning message after more than one start of server 1.11 :
Yes it should.
Does this work on 1.10?
No problem, Thank you!
Excellent! Thank you! I will check it out! Please also consider mentioning that plugin on your description so other people like me will be informed. :)
The author of FastLogin added support for my plugin. Here's a link to his plugin
Can you add support for Auto-In? https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/auto-in.578/
This page might help: https://github.com/GotoFinal/AutoIn/wiki/AuthPlugins#how-can-i-use-the-api-to-provide-support-for-my-plugin*
Disable that in the settings.yml, it should be called antibot
Server version: 1.10 Offline mode
Error: http://prntscr.com/bhu4p5
I will add that!
Can I set the Max. and min. length of password?
Fixed! Thanks
You have an typo in the version string. It should be UltraAuth-2.0.9 instead of UltraAuth-1.0.9.
hi when u give next update?
Sure I can try
Hi can u add aliases like /l to login and hide password in console?
No, that would defeat the entire purpose of the plugin!
Thank you for this plugin by the way. Just one question: is there any way to disable the registration possibilty for a certain time or just enable/disable it?