UltimatePlugin is a combination of my top 4 plugins: Information, DisableEXP, RecipeChanger, and FrameProtector. Each of these 4 plugins will be discontinued after the merge. Commands and permissions are the same as the respective plugins with the addition of 2 new commands: /ultimateupdate and /ultimatereload.
- As of v1.2a, custom recipes are user defined in the configuration as such only 2 example recipes are added, more recipes can be added manually. Read RecipeChanger.yml for more information.
Information: *Displays information about your server.
DisableEXP * This plugin prevents xp drop.
Frame Protector * Simple Plugin to prevent players from removing items from a ItemFrame since 1.7 changes.
Disable Commands * It allows you to easily enable/disable commands. It is compatible with permission plugins.
- Commands
- Permissions
Legacy RecipeChanger (up to v1.1) * Simple plugin that allows you to craft items that are usually uncraftable(such as horse armor).
Links to each plugin:
Frame Protector
Recipe Changer
Quote:This plugin utilizes an external version checking system, which means that the following may occur:
Connection to curseforge.com
Plugin version compared against version on curseforge.com
Downloading of the plugin from curseforge.com
You can disable the check and/or automated download via the configuration of this plugin.
Quote:*FOR VERSIONS UP TO 0.8* This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:
A unique identifier
The server's version of Java
Whether the server is in offline or online mode
The plugin's version
The server's version
The OS version/name and architecture
The core count for the CPU
The number of players online
The Metrics versionYou can disable the stat collection via /plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml if you wish.
*FOR VERSIONS 0.9 AND BEYOND* This plugin utilizes bStats metrics system. bStats does not collect any personal data. Most of the collected data is information about the plugin's server like player count, online mode, Minecraft version, Java version, and more. All data gets sent and stored completely anonymously. Server IPs are only stored for rate limiting and not linked to the data.
All data that is collected is publicly visible. If you are interested in what data is collected for your Minecraft server, take a look at the pages for the plugins on your server. Please note that plugin authors can also send data that is customized for their plugin. If you don't want bStats to collect data from your server, you can disable it in the bStats config file. This file can be found in the /plugins/bStats/ folder.
Step 1. Download the plugin from the top right of this page.
Step 2. Once it has finished downloading, Drag and drop the plugin into you're /plugins folder of your server directory.
Step 3. Start or Restart your server and it should be installed.
NONE, Suggestions?
How do I turn off the welcome to server bossbar
Bro why u no backport to 1.8? You just went straight from 1.7 to 1.10
I neeeed this for my 1.8 server
In reply to Black_Monarch:
Have you tried the 1.7 or 1.10 version? I never tested them but one should work in 1.8.
In reply to BIackPoison357:
I tried 1.7 (or more specifically, I tried DisableEXP v0.5, since no equivalent version of UlimatePlugin exists and I only needed DisableEXP)
I did not try the 1.10 version because your notes specifically said it wouldn't work.
EDIT: I just tried the 1.10 version (DisableEXP v0.6) and it didn't work either
Installed, can't seem to diable -kill command
I would like to know how to fix null output on every blocked command thanks every setting of the plugin is default. (i just want to have custom msg and it doest even say whats in the preconfigured file and i have disabled every other mini-plugin other than disable commands)
In reply to Richard177:
Sorry for the late response, where is the null message being sent? To the player, OP, or console? If its being sent to the player, make sure "Messages.Command Deny Message" in the config has a message to send to the player whenever they attempt to use a blocked command.
In reply to BIackPoison357:
It is being send only to player this is in the config in that lane
Command Deny Message: That Command is not allowed
I tried to delete everything and putting it in in your format
Messages.Command Deny : That Command is not allowed
Still didnt work.
In reply to Richard177:
Make sure not to delete the ". So to get that to work it should be Messages.Command Deny: "That Command is not allowed". You can change the message within the parenthesis but they have to remain. The plugin looks for the message between those and so your getting a null message because those were accidently deleted.
v0.7 Released
- Fixed various deprecated methods
- Fixed various bugs
v0.6 Released (It's been years!) Supports 1.16.3
- Removed Factions plugin support as this plugin is no longer updated.
- Updated Recipe Changer to support newer Minecraft material names
- Updated to support 1.16.3 (note: this version MAY run on lower versions but isn't tested nor guaranteed).
I mean so this plugin don't do some commands other plugins do
In reply to Forge_User_17333769:
erm, in dis plugin, how do you disable only one command like; /vote, /rules and that other plugins doing?