UltimateHub is the best Hub plugin available. It aims to add any features that anyone could ever possibly want in a hub, while being 100% customizable. No one will ever know that you are running UltimateHub, and you will look professional like those other top servers. It was created to be modular, with the option to disable features you don't like, and the ability to customize the features that you love.
When creating this plugin, I decided that this would be THE best hub plugin available, and have tons of options. Features:
- Player Visibility Toggler
- Server Selector(With BungeeCord)
- Launchpads
- Set Spawn location
- MOTD, Join/Quit, and Welcome messages
- Enable/Disable EVERY feature
- Everything is 100% Customizable (Including items, sounds, etc)
The following are the requirements for this plugin to work properly:
- Java 7 (Most likely you have Java 7, but if you get an error similar to this, you will need to update)
As of now, that is all that is required for the plugin to work. As we add more features, it may require a bit more, but most of those will be optional :)
Upcoming Features
- TP at set Y value(for jumping into void)
- Set spawn for join
- Stop Block breaking
- Stop Item Dropping
- Stop item movement in inventory.
Auto Updater
As of v0.2.0, UltimateHub comes with an auto-updater, to save you, as a server owner, from continually checking this page for new files. It simply connects to dev.bukkit.org and compares the versions of available files. If you do not wish for UltimateHub to perform this check, navigate to the Configuration File (config.yml) in the UltimateHub directory of your plugins folder and change "autoUpdate" to "false".
Plugin Metrics
This plugin contains PluginMetrics, which collects and anonymously sends data about how this plugin is being used. It creates a folder named PluginMetrics with a file inside named config.yml. That file gives you the option to opt-out of metrics tracking. This will also opt you out of metrics tracking for other plugins that use PluginMetrics.
Detailed data can be seen at: http://mcstats.org/plugin/UltimateHub
Donations are greatly appreciated. I spend my time developing this plugin, and I have already put hours into creating it, and making the best it could possibly be. If you have a dollar or two to share, I would appreciate it a lot. It helps keep me going with my updates. Click the image below to donate:
If there is a bug in the plugin, the chances are, I already know about it. Please use the yellow "Download Latest Dev Build" button, and try that version first. They will most likely have the bug fixed. IF NOT, please make sure you meet the requirements(above). If all else fails, THEN you may post a comment below. PLEASE include the following in your comment:
- Bukkit/Spigot Version(/ver)
- UltimateHub Version (/ver UltimateHub)
- ERROR from console. Please use Pastebin to post the error.
I use multinv but the things doesn't get saved when i travel between my worlds. About /spawn the thing i don't like is that it overrides all other spawn plugins because i have it setup so when they do /spawn they come to to the world they currently are in but Ultimate hub overrides it so i have to use aliases before /spawn and if i disable spawn in the ultimate hub config it still overrides all other plugins and make it so /spawn doesn't exist.
You can use multiverse inventories to make invs per world. My plugin will to them to the hub world, and when they go back it should be saved. As far as /spawn, I can also make it /hub, but /spawn makes sense for servers that are only hubs.
It would be alot better if you changed /spawn to /hub or something like that.
Also are you going to make the things per world? like so you can choose if you want to have player toggler and the navigator in some worlds and some not.
We NEVER reload ANY of our servers on our network. We always shut down or restart them. So this error is not caused by that.
Don't reload your server, it causes problems, try restarting it when you need to redo something.
I have a problem! My lobby server crashes randomly and I think it might be from your plugin!
I wish to put this on all my servers across my network so they can have an easy navigation system, HOWEVER, it seems that when I put it on various servers, it causes players not to be able to modify blocks, even tho I have the settings correct. Ideas?
Would it be possible to implement a book config? So the player gets a book when he joins.
And also would be awesome if you could configure a speed potion effect on the player and maybe also jump boost.
Another nice thing would be nice if you cannot see the join message yourself. So if you join you don't see your own join message but you see the messages from other people.
GREAT PLUGIN though thank you!
Multiple Server Selectors OR Permission/Rank Based Visible Servers:
Can you give the option to allow for the creation of various versions of server selectors OR the option for permission-based server section? Basically I want to have the ability for only certain players (permission/rank based) to see certain servers on the server selector, and not everybody. I'm not saying a whitelist for a server, I'm just saying the option to make it so that normal players can't even SEE that certain servers exist unless they rank up, or I want them to know about it.
Can you please write down the permission nodes by the permission page.
Kind Regards.
Here's an example of a working server hub:
In the compass navigation feature, I can't seem to add more servers. All I can have is the prison and factions. I can edit the items and stuff, I just can't add more servers. I don't know if I did it wrong, but I just simply copy and pasted the factions server then edited everything so that way it wouldn't conflict with the ACTUAL factions. Please help me with this issue if anybody can. I also think there should be in-game setup along with pets. Thanks.
Would you be open to adding some pointless hub games as well such as stacker? Basically some pointless things for players to do to waste time in the hub, such as stacking players on each other, throwing players, etc.
I have got to finish a private UHC plugin. Then I will start again. Should be 3-4 days.
I second this, maybe add an option in the compass to show the motd and how many players are in the server. Currently there is nothing out there like this yet and I see the feature on big servers.
Would you be open to adding a tools section?
For example, I would like to be able to create a clone of the server selection tool but use it for books to give players important information, like easy access to rules, commands, etc. In addition, be able to give players quick access to other niffy commands/features that hook into other plugins.
Thanks man!
Can You Add A Feature To Allow The Ability To See How Many Players Are In Each Server?
I am gonna start developing this again soon! Been off this week or so, sickness, vacation, etc.
how do i use it with multiverse?
Could You Please Add Automatic Fly when in the lobby ? and maybe some speed boost / high jump effects? would be kewl if you could add the ability to throw people too like on mineplex ? i think it was?