This is a plugin where you can custom-commands. It's very simple and very customizable.
This is the config-file:
coin: useable: false player: - home console: - op PLAYER
coin is the command the player/console can use.
usable is if a non-op player can use the command, so set it to true all should have permission to use the command.
player is where you put the commands the player run. Right now it teleport to the players home.
console is what commands the console run. Now it op's the player that runs the command.
What player and console does is that the player that runs the command does have permission to /home, but not /op PLAYER
PLAYER - Is the player that runs the commands
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Newest version can be downloaded here: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ulticommands/files/1-ulti-commands-jar/