uHome v1.4.1
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UploadedFeb 13, 2012
Size61.75 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.1-R7
- CB 1.2.3-R0.1
- CB 1.1-R3
Finally, the next major release of uHome, v1.4! This version brings in a lot of changes since v1.3, so be sure to read the change log below for details!
uHome v1.4.1 Change Log
- Fixed the major issue with PEX - sorry!
- Fixed message template for warmup timer.
- Removed smiles from messages - you can add them back via locale if you'd like.
uHome v1.4 Change Log
Important Changes
- This version will not work on pre CB 1.1 versions, due to a move to the new event system. Please update CraftBukkit before updating uHome!
- The permission node uhome.* is now uhome.all
- Add permission node uhome.crossworld - Without this node, your players will not be allowed to warp between worlds!
In-Depth Change Log
- New Command: /home invites - Lists all received invites.
- New Command: /home requests - Lists all sent invites.
- New Command: /home invites from (player) - lists all the homes you have been invited to by a certain player.
- New Command: /home debug (console only) - shows debugging messages (currently only permissions checks are logged).
- Locale support - use uHome in another language!
- Command pagination - /home help/invites/requests now display their results in pages.
- Home invites are now persistent, and are saved in the database.
- Fix home name guessing - you can type only part of the name of your home, and uHome will attempt to guess the rest!
- Use plugin logger - console messages are now more consistent and tagged with [uHome] throughout.
- New config option: debugLog - sets whether debug logging should be turned on by default. Use to investigate permissions errors!
- Use Bukkit's new event system.
- All commands are now case-insensitive where possible.
- Reformat /home requests and /home invites to use similar formatting.
- Update default messages and locale file.
- Implement customlocale.properties file to define custom locales without editing the plugin jar.
- Compress jar for an even smaller download.
- Change permission node uhome.* to uhome.all to avoid PEX conflicts,
- Where player names have been provided in the wrong case, attempt to show the true capitalisation.
- Add levels D and E to permission based cooldowns and warmups.
- Drop "support" for outdated Help plugin.
- Add config node enableDenyPerm with corresponding permission node uhome.deny. Use this if you want certain players to ignore the default perms. Note: This will cause issues if you use any form of * node.
- Add permissions node uhome.crossworld. Players without this node will be blocked from warping between worlds!
- Under the hood changes to improve performance in some areas and improve readability for developers.
- Many more miscellaneous bug fixes and changes which I may have forgotten!
No known issues! The PEX bug should be cleared up now, although PEX users will not have any permissions by default, so you must add them manually.