Commands and Permissions

Commands and Permissions

All Commands and Permissions

Command usagePermissionDescription
N/Aucars.carsPermission to drive cars
/ucarsucars.ucarsDisplays info such as boosts and fuel cost (If enabled)
/reloaducarsucars.reloaducarsReloads the config
/ufuel [Buy <Amount>], [View]ucars.ucarsIf fuel is enabled = Buy-Buys <Amount> of fuel for the price mentioned in /ucars View-How much fuel you have left
/cars [Remove]ucars.carscmdManages cars in the world, [Remove] removes all cars in the current world.
/ulicense [Stage]ucars.ucarsObtains a ulicense, if licensing is enabled
/pigucartucars.pigucartPlaces you in a car, while also riding a pig