Supported Bukkit Versions
- Wanted to hold off until 1.7, but Bukkit took ages so expect a new uCars build soon (v16)
- Major Velocity re-workings:
- Fixed major jump bug on all affected servers (Sending 500 blocks high)
- Fixed all broken block ascensions - Stairs, multiple slabs, etc...
- Fixed all uCars wall glitches
- Improved variable speed control
- Made jump blocks more reliable
- Driving over two jump blocks in quick succession produces more height than one
- Different car speeds go different height/distance on jump block. (Cancel boosts with Emerald Block before Jump Block for same power for everyone)
- Plugin optimisation
- When no protocolLib, error. (Requires ProtocolLib v2.6.0 or newer for new Protocol dynamic support)
- When run with Java 4 (Compiled for Java 5), it won't load. - Recommended Java version: 7