
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


This plugin is the mob only component from my other plugin Ubercore, if you want the challenge of the harder mobs, but don't want the Ultra Hardcore game style, then this plugin is for you!

Please Read!

The Sgt has taken a small step down from this project to pursue his dream. Don't worry, he will be still managing this plugin along with UberCore/Recipes but will not be spending so much time on it. I will be updating the project and adding features now and then to keep the plugin alive. -Weasels


This plugin is designed for CraftBukkit 1.6.1-R0.1-Snapshot, if you use this plugin with any other version of CraftBukkit you WILL have errors, which could result in destabilizing your server, PLEASE use the correct version of CraftBukkit.

P.S. I will not be held responsible for any servers been damaged for misuse of this plugin, you have been warned.


UberMobs Metrics gathered by MCStats.org


None in current release


None in current release

Crafting Recipes

None will be added


  • Zombies, Skeletons and Creepers have increased movement speed
  • Undead Monsters (Zombies and Skeletons) no longer burn during daylight
  • Creepers explosive power has been increased
  • Creepers explode upon death
  • Tiny Magma Cubes spawn lava source blocks upon death
  • Wolves spawn angry
  • Enderman are immune to water damage
  • Wither Skeletons now spawn in the overworld instead of normal skeletons, with Iron Swords
  • Both Spider types now have a Wither Jockey
  • Ghasts Explosive power has been increased
  • Zombie Pigmen now have diamond swords
  • Magma Cubes now set the player on fire
  • Slimes now cause the player to slow

Customized Mobs

So far, the list of Edited Mobs are as follows;

  • Creepers
  • Skeletons
  • Spiders
  • Cave Spiders
  • Zombies
  • Enderman
  • Magma Cubes
  • Wolves
  • Zombie Pigmen
  • Ghasts
  • Giant Zombies
  • Blaze
  • Witches

Simple Toggle Features

Right now in UberMobs, each mob can be enabled, or disabled within the config.yml, there are plans on bringing command toggles into effect, but these may require the server been reset.


    autoUpdate: true
    uberCreeper: true
    uberSkeleton: true
    uberSpider: true
    uberGiantZombie: true
    uberZombie: true
    #uberSlime: true
    uberGhast: true
    uberPigZombie: true
    uberEnderman: true
    uberCaveSpider: true
    uberBlaze: true
    uberMagmaCube: true
    #uberBat: true
    uberWitch: true
    #uberPig: true
    #uberSheep: true
    #uberCow: true
    #uberChicken: true
    uberWolf: true
    #uberMooshroom: true
    #uberIronGolem: true
    #uberHorse: true
    #uberVillager: true


To use this plugin, please copy it to your servers plugin folder then run your server for the first time (with this plugin installed) it will generate a config.yml file inside the UberMobs folder... to change the current settings please open up the config.yml and change any of the values from true to false.

Once you've made your changes, please save your config file making sure to pay strict attention to the double space rule (No Tabs, only double spaces!) and run the server again. The changes should be reflected with in the game play.

Source Code


Coming Soon

Custom Mob Progress


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