A highly configurable forest plugin. Forests spread naturally at a configurable rate based purely on sapling growth! Spruce and Birch saplings can also grow very large variants similar to oak and jungle trees (and they look good too)! Overcrowding algorithms allow you to configure how dense or sparse forests can grow. You can even configure a world with massive dense forests that players need to work at to keep them from spreading too thick.
Maintenance free reforestation on well used larger Minecraft servers is now a possibility!
Time Lapse Video
See UberForest in action! This was using very agressive growth settings with no overcrowding protection enabled ;) The forest at ground level was so thick you'd need shears to get anywhere in it! UberForest time-lapse video
YouTube Reviews
- ServerMiner gives a concise and to the point summary of UberForest ServerMiner Review
- Andrew and James from UltiByte review UberForest! Utilitbyte Review
- The Russians review UberForest (I think?) Uncraftables Review
Uber Trees
- Spruce Trees up to 24 blocks tall
- Birch Trees up to 16 blocks tall
- Checks if the conditions are good for growing an Uber tree (similar to the normal Minecraft tree checking algorithm)
- Trees will not destroy any non-nature blocks
- Trees requiring a larger base will sometimes create "roots" one block down if needed
- No user interaction required! Works with or without bonemeal!
- Users can still farm trees! Torches placed within 2 blocks of a sapling will prevent it from growing Uber, yet still allow it to grow normally :)
Forest Growth
- Forests plant themselves, once a sapling grows into a tree, a new sapling (configurable) of that tree type is placed nearby on an appropriate tile.
- No user interaction required! Works with or without bonemeal!
- Players can easily manage UberForest growth by smacking away any saplings. No saplings = no spreading as the saplings only spawn when other saplings grow :)
- Adjust the rate of growth in specific biomes. Keep your plains plain!
- Overcrowding protection allows forests to grow "spaced" out or jam packed with trees and saplings. It's up to you! See the detailed configuration section for more details: here
- Use combinations of fence, cobble, smooth brick, torches, glowstone, crops and logs to stop spreading. These blocks will also work when placed 1 under the surface. Saplings will not spawn within whatever distance overcrowding radius is for these blocks. Complete List
Detailed Configuration Notes
You can view more detailed information on config.yml settings here.
- If you are running as separate tree chopping plugin you may want to test if the uber trees chop properly in it. If not then you can just disable the uber trees in the config and just leave sapling spreading enabled :)
- Remember ForestSpreadSaplings and UberForestSpreadSaplings are additive!
- Regenerate your config if you're upgrading from prior to 1.0 to see all the options available.
Future Improvements
- Implement a better way of players managing growth near their land.
- Mycelium/UberMushroom Growth!
- Sharks with Lasers (one day!)
Make trees grow faster?
You could add something new trees perhaps?
New shapes or something ? :O not just normal / taller trees, make wider trees etc.
Brilliant! Thanks for the responses!
Thanks!~ :D These things are hard work to make robust/reliable!
@jessewisener Hey Jessewisener no it won't work on existing forests (unless they have a sapling in them already that has yet to grow into a tree). The intent was to ensure tree growth doesn't go bonkers on servers in areas unless you really want it to! :D
This is a GREAT plug-in. Thanks.
Another question, and maybe I'm blind, but does this work with existing forests? Is there a way to trigger it on existing trees if not? Or do I need to manually fly around and plant some starters?
@CbertCbert Google Translation: Can you add options that will control the growth of trees? So that the first two blocks of wood was high, and we could choose after which time it will be three blocks in height and so on. Every 30 seconds, for example, the tree will try to grow by one unit with the chance that we too can choose. Thus we can simulate the natural growth of trees, instead of looking like they grow abruptly. Furthermore we would like to have these settings have been selected for each tree species.
Hey CbertCbert, thanks for your suggestion. This is quite tricky change as my plugin revolves around avoiding things before planting saplings, rather than detecting where a tree is. Further It would open up a whole lot of situations to account for.. Such as players chopping leaves on a growing tree, or building in one. Its definitely possible to do but it might be very taxing on the server to detect which trees grow this way.
I really like this idea though and will put some thought into how to do this! if i can think of a way to do this that wouldn't be too taxing on a larger server - I will add it! :D
Можете ли вы добавить опции, которые позволят контролировать рост деревьев? Так, чтобы сначала дерево было два блока в высоту, и мы могли выбрать через какое время оно станет три блока в высоту и так далее. Каждые 30 секунд, к примеру, дерево будет пытаться вырасти на один блок с шансом который мы тоже сможем выбрать. Таким образом мы сможем имитировать естественный рост деревьев, вместо того чтобы смотреть как они скачкообразно вырастают. Более того хотелось бы чтобы эти настройки были отдельными для каждого вида деревьев.
Nice plugin, thanks for creating UberForest :)
Thanks! I've put a lot of work into making it efficient, configurable, safe, expandable and reliable for all types of servers. I'm currently working on another project but I will keep this one up to date with new bukkit builds :)
Pretty much my favorite mod at the moment. Amazing work :D
Cool, that's what I was hoping. That way the entire map won't become a forest just from running in the background. :-) Thanks for the response!
Yes, forests will only spread in loaded chunks around players :) Spreading to unloaded chunks would be very intensive on open servers if growth is set to be exponential (and it typically is!).
Do chunks need to be loaded in order for the forests to spread?
Hey Everyone PLEASE update to 1.0.5 asap! It fixes a bug forcing spruce and birch trees to HAVE to grow Uber, they were unable to grow into regular spruces due to a code error.
Major Update in 1.0.5.
@tdbruce34 Hey Bruce, i think i got willows figured out ;) Regarding forest density, that's entirely up to how you configure the plugin! You can increase forest density by reducing the overgrowth check radius By default saplings will need to be 3 away from other trees or other saplings before planting.
I have also thought about an autoplant on cut down, but there are other plugins that specialize in that. This plugin i wanted to create so that was not required. It's also a bit more controllable by users, they may not want to have saplings every time the chop a tree down pop up :)
It'd be neat to see an auto-plant option when some trees are cut down (say a % of the saplings that are dropped auto-plant?). I noticed it says that once an Ubertree is grown it will spread, producing a sapling beside it but wonder if that would be enough to keep the forest dense.
We normally use Reforestation but it seems to be possibly giving us some issues. However I'm going to try this anyway, I believe.
I do like the idea of the tree shapes though. That would be really cool and add some much needed variety to the forests of Minecraft.
Willow Trees sounds cool though I have no idea how to go about that and make it look...believable.
Want to gather some thoughts on what i can do next for UberForest ;) I'm going to be adding more uber tree types.
The trick is making real tree types with squares ;) Here are the basic tree shapes IRL: Tree Shapes
Some idea's I've had are:
Just want some feedback on what you guys thing the wood/leaf combinations should be. Also want to know if you have any other tree suggestions. I'm considering adding shrubs sized trees too but those arent too "uber" so i'm gona put that idea on hold until i have it a bit more fleshed out ;)
God bless you... Since that post I haven't quite gotten rid of all the trees that are making most of the land impassible. Other than that though, fabulous mod. I haven't found anything like this. And sorry I didn't reply quicker. I'm on break right now, and well Minecraft just isn't on my schedule.
Wow awesome excellent review hahah! I created this plugin after a year or so of waiting for something like it to come out. I never expected my first plugin to get such heavy use so fast...glad you guys enjoyed it, i think i may add a dynamite option to the tree code just for jimjum ;)
I updated the main page with a link, great job guys :D
Done! :D
Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dsP7Hfks18
Hope you like it :)
- Andrew